Obama Administration

The Politicization of the English Language

Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Last week, French President Francois Hollande met President Obama in Washington to discuss joint strategies for stopping the sort of radical Islamic terrorists who have killed dozens of innocents in Brussels, Paris and San Bernardino in recent months. Hollande at one point explicitly referred to the violence as

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How America Lost Its Groove

President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton all had a hand in it. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Deterrence is lost through lax foreign policy, an erosion of military readiness, and failed supreme command — often insidiously, over time, rather than dramatically, at once. The following random events over

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Why Westerners Make Inviting Targets for Terrorists

By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online China has a long record of persecuting its Muslim minorities. Russia has brutally suppressed the separatist movement of the predominantly Muslim Chechens with bombing and shelling. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered airstrikes against Syrian Muslims without much worry over collateral damage. India has zero tolerance for Islamic

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The Buck Never Stops Here

Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services In a cover story in the latest issue of The Atlantic magazine, President Obama offers astonishing scapegoating for his own foreign policy disasters.According to Obama, the deterioration of the ISIS wasteland that is now Libya was not due to improvident administration bombing followed by a hasty departure, but

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Obama: The Lamest Duck

By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days by PJ Media President Obama is boxed in a state of paralysis—more so than typical lame-duck presidents. His hard-left politics have insidiously eroded the Democratic Party, which has lost both houses of Congress and the vast majority of the state legislatures, state elected offices, and governorships. Obama

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Iraq: The Real Story

Donald Trump’s account of the Iraq War is all wrong. Why aren’t his Republican opponents saying so? Donald Trump constantly brings up Iraq to remind voters that Jeb Bush supported his brother’s war, while Trump, alone of the Republican candidates, supposedly opposed it well before it started. That is a flat-out lie. There is no

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