Nuclear Warfare

Are Wars Caused by Accidents?

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   History shows that a lack of deterrence, not loose rhetoric, spurs aggression.   As tensions mount with North Korea, fears arise that President Trump’s tit-for-tat bellicose rhetoric with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un might lead to miscalculations — and thus an accidental war that could have been prevented.

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The Need For Missile Defense

by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas America’s great advantage when it entered world affairs after the Civil War was that its distance from Europe and Asia ensured that it was virtually immune from large sea-borne invasions. The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans proved far better barriers than even the forests and mountain ranges of

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Nuclear Gangbangers

Hostile countries with nuclear capabilities have the upper hand on the global police. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The gangster state of North Korea became a nuclear power in 2006–07, despite lots of foreign aid aimed at precluding just such proliferation — help usually not otherwise accorded such a loony dictatorship. Apparently the

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Peace for Our Time

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The Iranian agreement comes not in isolation, unfortunately. The Syrian debacle instructed the Iranians that the Obama administration was more interested in announcing a peaceful breakthrough than actually achieving it. Share This

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Bad Reasons for Bombing Syria

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine President Obama Saturday laid out the case for a military strike on Syria. He evoked the same rationales Secretary of State Kerry and others, including some conservatives, have been articulating for the last week. We’ve heard of “international norms,” “common understandings of decency,” the “international community” that codified a “normal prohibition against chemical

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Hope for Change in Syria

Once again, Obama has proven more of an idealist than an implementer. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Remember when President Obama used to warn Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to stop his mass killing and step down? Share This

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