
Hall of Mirrors in Syria

The Corner The one and only. by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   Syria is weird for reasons that transcend even the bizarre situation of bombing an abhorrent Bashar al-Assad who was bombing an abhorrent ISIS — as we de facto ally with Iran, the greater strategic threat, to defeat the more odious, but less

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It’s No Revelation That Intelligence Agencies Are Politicized

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Trump is acknowledging a fact that recent history has repeatedly demonstrated. Furor has arisen over President-elect Donald Trump’s charges that our intelligence agencies are politicized. Spare us the outrage. For decades, directors of intelligence agencies have often quite inappropriately massaged their assessments to fit administration agendas. Careerists at these

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Speak Loudly And Carry A Twig

By Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas Nations in the Middle East that once aligned with America are now indifferent. Interests who opposed the United States grow defiant. Fence-sitting countries that calibrated their policies to the perception of U.S. strength are leaning toward our adversaries. Chaos is the result. The recent splashdown in the Straits

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Five Middle East Blunders

The underlying causes of chaos in the Middle East are indigenous. But Obama hasn’t helped. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama claims he inherited a mess in the Middle East. Not so. Fracking and horizontal drilling on private lands in the U.S. had taken off in the last years of the

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America’s Middle East Dilemma

Toppling tyrants is ineffective in the long term without years of unpopular occupation. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Two and a half years ago, the U.S. pulled every soldier out of a mostly quiet Iraq. In the void thus created, formerly al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists calling themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”

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Benghazi Constructs 

Much is still murky, but the Obama team was at the least guilty of negligence and deception.  By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Almost everything the administration has alleged about Benghazi has proven false. Yet also, in Machiavellian fashion, the Obama group successfully peddled useful fictions, effectively deluded the country, adroitly ensured President

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