June 2005

The Global Shift

The world will soon better appreciate the United States by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Radical global power shifts have been common throughout history. For almost a millennium (800-100 BC) the Greek East, with its proximity to wealthy Asia and African markets and a dynamic Hellenism, was the nexus of Western civilization — before …

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Lo, The U.N. By What Name Do We Call Thee?

Failed, useless, dubious, impotent, pernicious, morally exhausted . . . by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers Every crisis is an opportunity, a time when the fissures and cracks of received wisdom and worn-out habits of thought are exposed. Share This

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Western Liberalism Is the Only Idea Left Standing

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The French and Dutch rebuffs of the European Union constitution will soon be followed by other rejections. Millions of proud, educated Europeans are tired of being told by unelected grandees that the mess they see is really abstract art. Share This

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