June 2005

Korea: Our Bad and Worse Choices

by Victor Davis Hanson American Enterprise Institute Magazine The North Korean crisis offers only bad and worse choices for the United States. Kim Jong Il cultivates an air of lunacy, and threatens to nuke the Western critics who are more concerned with the plight of his North Korean people than he is. Share This

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Hitler, Hitler, Everwhere

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) was not alone when he recently compared American behavior at Guantanamo Bay to that of “Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime – Pol Pot or others – that had no concern for human beings.” Share This

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The Politics of American Wars

How fascists became the “victims” in the current war. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online For all the talk of imperial America, and our frequent “police actions,” we are hardly militarists. Protected by two-oceans, and founded on the principles of non-interference in Europe’s bloody internecine wars, the United States has always been rightly circumspect

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Are They in the Army Now?

Cries of shortfall, exhaustion, and overstretch by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Magazine Figures on U.S. military recruitment just released for 2005 show that the Army missed its monthly announced goal, achieving only 75 percent of its anticipated enlistments for this May. Share This

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Security Threats Warm Our Allies

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Japan’s prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, is busy trying to strengthen the American alliance. In recent months, members of his government have announced new joint military arrangements with the U.S. and announced to the South Koreans that, unlike Japan, they are not to be trusted with sensitive American intelligence.

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Unprincipled and Inert

Why the United Nations is sinking fast. by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers A review of Tower of Babel. How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos by Dore Gold (Crown Forum, 2004: New York). Share This

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The Sorry Bunch

Listen and learn from our enemies. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In a single day last week, in various media — the liberal International Herald Tribune and the Washington Post — the following information appeared. Share This

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