
A Vandalized Valley

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online I am starting to feel as if I am living in a Vandal state, perhaps on the frontier near Carthage around AD 530, or in a beleaguered Rome in 455. Here are some updates from the rural area surrounding my farm, taken from about a 30-mile radius. In this

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Strangers in a Familiar Land

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media High-Speed Rail? California sits in a time warp. Despite tax hikes that make our roughly 10% income tax and 10% sales tax among the highest in the nation, there is little to show for it during the last forty years. Share This

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The California Corridor: Some Lessons on Government Largesse From the New Frontier

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Great Warpath This summer it has been a softer, modern version of living in a cabin on the Great Warpath circa 1740 near Albany or Montreal (in this regard, take a look at Eliot Cohen’s new book Conquered into Liberty on the origins of the American way of war), readying

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The Other California

by Bruce S. Thornton City Journal In 1973, as I was going through customs in New York after spending the summer bumming around Italy and Greece, the customs agent looked at my passport and said with a Bronx sneer, “Bruce Thornton, huh? Is that one of them Hollywood names?” Share This

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Where Dreams Die

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I was given a great gift — but see below — to travel throughout California the last week, by land and by air over the state. It was hard to determine whether the natural beauty of the landscape or the ingenuity of our ancestors was the more impressive. Share This

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Mission Lost

by Bruce S. Thornton City Journal “We offer unlimited opportunities to help students achieve their goals,”declares the California State University system on its homepage. Share This

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