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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Dear Professor Hanson, You are a hypocrite. You endlessly, in your writings and talks, decry people who say ‘if it ain’t perfect it ain’t good’, and yet you constantly moan about Obama just because he ‘wasn’t perfect’ and did some crooked things. You, sir, are a hypocrite. You could at least …

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VDH Ultra

09/15/2017 From An Angry Reader: Angry Reader Sam Davidson Victor, I enjoy reading your articles in the National Review. I never understood why this country has statues that honor people that took up arms against the United States. I do not think there are any statues honoring Lord Cornwallis, General Santa Ana, Ludendorf, Tojo, or …

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VDH Ultra

09/14/2017 From An Angry Reader: Angry Reader Wes Bridgeman Dear Mr. Hanson, My father, Lt. Col. William Bridgeman (Retired), sent me the attached links and quotes that I would like to bring to your attention. This features the words of the figures themselves (Forrest and Lincoln), and I will let them speak for themselves. Please …

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VDH Ultra

09/13/17 From An Angry Reader: Angry Reader Rich Laughlin   Mr. Hanson, please try using sentences with less words. Most recently, I read one of your articles that had a sentence with 44 words. Other sentences in the same article were almost as bad. Really. You are loosing me with those lengthy paragraphs that contain …

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VDH Ultra

09/12/17 From An Angry Reader: Angry Reader Bob McCarthy For one who loves to cast aspersions on political incorrectness in the use of words, maybe you should ‘splain to your readers your use of the term “Mexifornia” in decrying the Mexican “takeover” of California, as racist a piece as I’ve ever read. I find it …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Angry Reader Southern Poverty Law Center:   Cf: (’s-destruction)   “They keynote speaker for the event was Victor Davis Hanson, a Hoover Institute (sic) fellow and author of Mexifornia, a book that romanticizes the California of old, when whites were a large majority of the state’s population. Davis Hanson (sic) talked about …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Dear Prof. Hanson,   I read your analysis of Trump’s electoral prospects with some interest: Since I’m a centrist Democrat, I will emulate your advice about Trump’s tweets – namely, I will ignore the barb-filled bromides you level against Democrats. (Which may greatly satisfy you and/or your audience emotionally, but …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: I have heard your act numerous times, mostly on the John Bachelor show, and I find it tiresome.   You really need to spend more time on your “idyllic” farm and not venture out into reality.   Times change, places change, and people change, but you will not change or cause …

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VDH UltraQuestions

From An Angry Reader: If you publish my letter on your website, it may best be placed in the “Angry Reader” category. I only agree with you 10 percent of the time, but I’m not angry. You are one of the two or three best conservative commentators, in my view. Three questions and one observation: …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: To: Prof. Victor Davis Hanson   At the end of your interview with Scott Simon on 8 July 2017 I heard this: “And look how they took a good man like George Bush and turned him into a monster”. It caught my attention.   One of the few things I agree …

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