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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: You live in an alternate universe, silly clown, silly institute, silly magazine. But the article was funny so congrats. Sincerely, Bruce Patten ___________________________________________   Dear Angry Reader Bruce Patten,   I congratulate you on your succinctness and your use of anaphora (“silly”…”silly”…”silly”) but otherwise your note is simply personal invective and …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: So, let me get this this right; you have the freedom to express your First Amendment Rights (your opinion article), the neo-nazi can express their first amendment rights (as they did this weekend in Charlottesville), but “multimillionaire young players, mostly in their 20s” cannot. If this country still had the draft, …

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VDH Ultra

11/27/2017 From an Angry Reader:   Rarely have I read such infuriating nonsense as intellectual outlier Victor Davis Hanson spouts in his thoroughly delusional commentary about Trump. I know he’s been a blind Trumpeter since the con artist’s campaign began, and he remains steadfast in defending the indefensible. His pack of fraudulent claims, gross exaggerations, …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: Dear Professor Hanson,   I read your article on Stalingrad and I wanted to respond.   The German 6th army in Stalingrad had Slovakian and Croatian units in the city. On the flanks of the 6th army was the Italian 8th army which played a huge role in Russia and was …

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader:   Victor Victor Victor…   Come on lad … With your education I really thought that you would know that “nuclear” is pronounced nu-cle-ar, NOT nuc-u-ler. That is the way “dub-ya” pronounced it and he could get away with it because he is an idiot. You are not! Please fix that …

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VDH Ultra

11/15/2017 From an Angry Reader: Read your article in the NR. Bad research, poorly written, some facts and a lot of your very biased opinions. In short it is mostly drivel. I hope your other work has good foundation and is better researched. You should take the trouble to visit the so called “rogue states” …

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VDH Ultra

11/06/2017 From An Angry Reader: Professor Davis,   In your recent article “The Method to Trump’s Madness”, you claim Trump’s insults are retaliation to those who have said things against him. Even if that is (partially) true, that does not justify Trump’s immaturity and cruelty.   In many instances, Trump’s name-calling was unprovoked. During the …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: You created this Frankenstein.  You have a lot to answer for.  G-d is looking down on you, and He is not smiling.  You all are in your 80s. That’s the good thing in all this. Nobody lives forever and you all are a helluva lot closer to the “final reward” than …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Mr. Hanson, I read your opinion piece in Newsweek and wanted to respond. I wish you’d included numbers, information on programs and systems, budget levels, and other trends, rather than just a few quotes. Funding within the DoD always fluctuates, given whatever is the shiny new toy of the moment (it …

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Dear Mr. Hanson, I’m a black Ivy-League educated liberal raised in NC and something in me snapped last week. Have no fear, I’m still in the liberal camp, but it perturbs me greatly to see all the hoopla over Confederate memorials. This is so not important on the list of what …

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