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VDH UltraAngry Reader 04-02-2019

From An Angry Reader: Dear Mr. Hanson, though your academic accreditations appear substantial, your view of history seems almost deliberately moronic. I generally don’t like to wade into a debate with an ad hominem; but defending George Bush and his disastrous military policies?? The only rational explanations are intentional distortion or willful ignorance… Sadly, neither […]

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VDH UltraAngry Reader 04-02-2019 Read More »

VDH UltraAngry Reader 02-05-2019

From An Angry Reader: You, sir, are a traitor, To call the FBI and the representatives of the United States “Bolsheviks” when the POTUS you seek to defend consistently lies about contacts with GRU officials; whose chief strategist Stephen Bannon claimed to be a Leninist because he was advocating the destruction of the establishment, you

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VDH UltraAngry Reader 02-05-2019 Read More »

VDH UltraAngry Reader 02-04-2019

From An Angry Reader: Are your fake-right fellows at NRO going to issue a grovelling apology to the CHILDREN they attacked at Covington Catholic High School? They were so eager to attack white children that they didn’t even bother watching the video before condemning them. This is why we hate you. ____________________________________________________________________ Dear Very Angry

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VDH UltraAngry Reader 02-04-2019 Read More »

VDH Ultra

From Angry Reader Jeffrey Rowland So…after one year in office, Trump’s biggest (AND ONLY!) accomplishment is that he is King of Twitter? You must be very proud. By the way, how’s that Trumpcare thing workin’ out for ya?  Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!  Idiot. Moron. Buffoon. Simpleton. Test Tube Baby! ______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Angry Reader Jeffrey Rowland,

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Dear Mr. Hanson, I just finished your article about Trump’s tweets and it has moved me to ask a question. I was wondering if quite possibly, you’ve lost your mind? You write as if his tweets are harmless and of no consequence when they have caused the North Korean situation to

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: Victor David Hanson, you’d sweep the table. Your post-tweet Presidency column entry tops all possible contenders in its unique blend of so-bad-its-good upending suspension of logic and unearned laudatory excess that the academy is bereft of adequate means of expression to honor its achievements.  Perhaps its heaps and heaps of praises

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader:   It’s a good thing I’m 3,000 miles (4,828 kilometers) away from you.   You can take that any way you want.   Daniel Weir Washington, DC   ___________________________________________   Dear Angry Reader Daniel Weir,   Making personal threats against someone with whom you disagree is not good for the soul.

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VDH Ultra

From An Angry Reader: You live in an alternate universe, silly clown, silly institute, silly magazine. But the article was funny so congrats. Sincerely, Bruce Patten ___________________________________________   Dear Angry Reader Bruce Patten,   I congratulate you on your succinctness and your use of anaphora (“silly”…”silly”…”silly”) but otherwise your note is simply personal invective and

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: So, let me get this this right; you have the freedom to express your First Amendment Rights (your opinion article), the neo-nazi can express their first amendment rights (as they did this weekend in Charlottesville), but “multimillionaire young players, mostly in their 20s” cannot. If this country still had the draft,

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