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VDH UltraThe Wages of Woke Ignorance. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson Education is a zero-sum game. Every decision to read one book entails not reading another. For every language mastered, yet another is shorted. What to study is as important as studying anything at all. Ars longa, vita brevis. Woke is many things—Marxist, nihilist, cruel, incoherent, and especially careerist and grifting. But we […]

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VDH UltraThe Wages of Woke Ignorance. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Mr. Possum and His Pecan Tree. Part Two 

Victor Davis Hanson As I said, I used to hunt at the woodpile and usually at sunset. One early evening, a huge “thing” broke out of the woodpile. I assumed it was some sort of coyote (distance was only 40 yards, but the wood pile and lengthy shadows camouflaged the target.) I shot once and

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VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Mr. Possum and His Pecan Tree. Part Two  Read More »

VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Mr. Possum and His Pecan Tree. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson  A Child’s Garden I think I was six or seven before I fully realized the farm was swarming with opossums. Given they were nocturnal creatures, I never saw one—until one day sometime around 1960, my grandfather asked us to go the henhouse near the barn and collect eggs. This time I noticed

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VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Mr. Possum and His Pecan Tree. Part One Read More »

VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Russians do not fear America. During the Obama-Biden years of Russian “reset,” the United States appeased Vladimir Putin. It dismantled missile defense in Eastern Europe and invited Russia into the Middle East. Reset ended with the Russian invasions of eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Then America went to the other extreme of

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VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part Two Read More »

VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part One.

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Americans are struggling to find a way to deter Vladimir Putin’s Russia from gobbling up Ukraine and then eyeing the Baltic States next. Most of us see Putin as a thug who will do anything to recreate the borders of the Soviet Union, unless he is deterred. But we acknowledge

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VDH UltraThe Ukraine Scab and the Putrid Wound Beneath. Part One. Read More »

VDH UltraWords Matter: We Are Now Well Beyond Nihilism and Reaching Systems Collapse. Part II

The Governor of Oceania by Victor Davis Hanson Imagine you were governor of California. And the embattled and robbed Union Pacific railroad was threatening to curtail rail operations in and out of the largest port in the United States at Los Angeles and associated rail hubs. It complains that trains could not pass-through the city

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VDH UltraWords Matter: We Are Now Well Beyond Nihilism and Reaching Systems Collapse. Part II Read More »

VDH UltraWords Matter: We Are Now Well Beyond Nihilism and Reaching Systems Collapse. Part I

An Arrest Warrant is a “REAL” ID? by Victor Davis Hanson Apparently, the Biden administration faced a dilemma. When you let in nearly two million illegal aliens within a fiscal year, and destroy all immigration law as we know it, how do you still manage to ensure new arrivals inclusion and equity? Or more specifically,

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VDH UltraWords Matter: We Are Now Well Beyond Nihilism and Reaching Systems Collapse. Part I Read More »

VDH UltraTreat the University as It Is Now, Not as It Once Was

Victor Davis HansonEeyore’s Cabinet The following assessments and suggestions for change are not exaggerations about higher education in America. Universities are now openly political agents, not disinterested places of learning. Their faculty and administration are overwhelmingly leftwing, to the point, according to surveys and campaign donation data, of being over 90 percent Democratic/Leftwing. But they

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