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VDH UltraFrom Angry Readers:

From an Angry Reader: Cannot wait for all women to close there legs, and tell you degenerates to go fuck yourself or your Republican male buddies. Dear Anonymous Quite Angry Reader, In just one sentence, you managed to achieve a high Angry Reader score: no subject to your verb in your first independent clause, there/their …

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VDH UltraTen Things to Expect from the End of Roe v. Wade. Part Two: 6-10

Victor Davis Hanson 6. Pro-choice extremists will only up attacks on the Supreme Court. But the Left has already reached is maximum saturation points of illegality and quasi-violence against a third branch of government: illegally leaking confidential court memos; a senior senator threatening justices by name outside the doors of the Supreme Court; mobs showing …

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VDH UltraTen Things to Expect from the End of Roe v. Wade. Part One: 1-5

Eeyore’s CabinetVíctor Davis Hanson 1) The ability to abort a child will not be widely curtailed in the U.S., at least not in the early months of his/her life. Blue states will immediately advertise that abortion on demand is legal in their jurisdictions and invite those from nearby red states to take a short drive …

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VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Free-Ranging, Part Four.

Victor Davis Hanson More of the Harder Sort My great-uncle, my grandmother’s brother was one of the harder ones we saw on the free-range circuit. He grew up one of 12 siblings, impoverished, and rode a horse at 13 from New Mexico to Selma, California. His family, after a variety of tragedies, was destitute. And …

VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Free-Ranging, Part Four. Read More »

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VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Free Ranging, Part One.

Victor Davis Hanson Set Loose About a decade ago I came across the old cattle term “free ranging”—but now curiously applied to child-raising. It had grown in popularity in antithesis to the “helicopter parenting” of Tiger Moms. The retro idea was that rural folk (I’m not sure free ranging would be viable among 21st-century suburbanites), …

VDH UltraA Child’s Garden of Animals. Free Ranging, Part One. Read More »

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VDH UltraShrugging at the Intolerable. Part Four.

Victor Davis Hanson The Border, RIP, Continued… Note well: That after years of acrimony, and the unhinged charges that Donald Trump was recreating Auschwitz on the border (i.e., reusing the “cages” built by Barack Obama), Trump by late summer 2020 at last had mostly ended illegal immigration. He replaced hundreds of miles of porous border …

VDH UltraShrugging at the Intolerable. Part Four. Read More »

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VDH UltraShrugging at the Intolerable, Continued. Part Three.

Victor Davis Hanson The Border, RIP The rise of the modern state is synonymous with ideas of identifiable and secure borders within which a consensual society can set their own laws, inculcate and nourish unique customs and traditions, and ensure that a special space is secure for its people. Without borders, we are mere tribal …

VDH UltraShrugging at the Intolerable, Continued. Part Three. Read More »

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