Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraAmerican Pravda. Part Four

Victor Davis Hanson Call all this mere “political correctness” or “woke” nonsense. But these disconnects are in essence Maoism. They are dangerous lies that are promulgated by elites to further their own selfish agendas at the expense of the general public, who is to be shamed and ostracized as counterrevolutionaries. Note too that none of

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VDH UltraAmerican Pravda. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson Most believe saying the truth is not worth the cultural opprobrium that honesty earns. So, they keep quiet and, in matters of trans topics, watch female sports wrecked by the participation of biological males, females with male genitalia in their daughters’ school locker rooms, and often obscene drag shows conducted at libraries

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VDH UltraAmerican Pravda. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson In communist countries, there were two levels of consciousness, two mindsets in other words. What all people mouthed publicly became the opposite of what most thought in private. When the private mind finally became all dominant, the entire system of the Soviet Union and communist Eastern Europe abruptly collapsed under the weight

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VDH UltraJoe Biden’s so-called “Successful and Effective Presidency”

Victor Davis Hanson So, we are assured by David Ignatius that Biden has had such “a successful and effective” presidency that he must now step down, deprive us of his genius, and rest upon his laurels? All of Biden’s initiatives now poll below 50 percent. Biden himself struggles to poll above 40 percent. That is

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Nine: “The Pack” Continued.

Victor Davis Hanson At that last dare, in the style of my dad, I began firing everyone over the next hour. José their patriarch? “You are fired.” Herlinda? “You’re fired too.” The boyfriend, “You’re out.” The daughter and son, ditto. I had turned from an unemployed Classical language Ph.D. failure into a stark raving madman

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Nine: “The Pack” Continued. Read More »

VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Eight: “The Pack”

Victor Davis Hanson It was now 1976. My grandfather died suddenly in the bed where he was born in 1890, in the room of his grandmother’s and where I sleep today nearly a half-century later. His departure left my 86-year-old grandmother and Lila alone in the big house—and no one to run the ranch. My

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VDH UltraStrange and Dangerous People of the American Outback. Part Eight: “The Pack” Read More »