Angry Reader

VDH UltraAngry Reader #6 Responds to “Bush Reconsidered”

Angry Reader #6 wrote: “VDH Trash” VDH do you actually believe this? I have to doubt your sanity. So many examples but I think the breezy dismissal of Iraq, not mentioning torture, the health of the economy circa 2009 and the Bush tax cuts relationship to the deficits are the real doozey’s. Share This

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #5

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #5 wrote: Don’t mean to troll here, but for the nth time, what is it about Obama or his agenda that wasn’t conservative mainstream thought even a few years ago?? He’s lowered taxes, been tough on defense, adopted a healthcare plan proposed by the Heritage Foundation Share …

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #4

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #4 wrote: You know, I remember, before Pajamas media, when I respected some of the writers that are now here (such as VDH) — but they’ve all turned into crazy cranks. Share This

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #3

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #3 writes: I won’t take the time to deconstruct your little essay line by line but trust me, almost everything you post is pure, unadulterated, kool-aid-inspired nonsense straight from the fever-swamp of the Reich-wing disinformation echo-chamber, Share This

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VDH UltraAngry Reader #2

by Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers Angry Reader #2 writes: Typical crank piece by the professor, full of crap that people who don’t know California (but loathe it anyway) will eat up. Share This

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VDH UltraAngry Reader

Private Papers Victor, The ostensible cassi belli for attacking Iraq were to destroy Saddam’s WMD (nonexistent), stop his nuclear bomb development program (nonexistent), and eliminate his ties to al Qaeda (nonexistent). We can’t “win” the Iraqi war because its illusory objectives were never possible of attainment. Share This

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