Biden’s So-Called ‘Oligarchs’

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

In his last address, Joe Biden offered a Parthian shot at “oligarchs” and the dangers these “billionaires” pose to the republic. At the same time, left-wing senators hammered Trump cabinet nominees on the grounds that they would be too complacent in the face of a supposed takeover of the country by Trump’s “billionaires” and their “oligarchy.”

Many things could be said about Biden’s farewell address, but I will limit them to three.

First, Biden was attempting to copycat the warnings of outgoing president and iconic war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Some 64 years earlier—on January 17, 1961, the near day of Biden’s “farewell address,” a departing Eisenhower warned of a new “military-industrial complex” threat to the republic that had grown out of World War II and was cresting during the ongoing Cold War of the 1950s.

The fear, as Ike outlined it, was that a new small tech-corporate elite would sell the country on all sorts of expensive weapons and programs to ensure a near-permanent condition of hyper-military readiness and national insolvency.

This resulting “garrison state” would make the arms merchants and technocrats rich but also exhaust the U.S. treasury in the process. What would follow for the American people was a government octopus that demanded ever higher taxes while spending money in ways increasingly unknown or irrelevant to the public interest.

Eisenhower worried the grandees of the military-industrial complex—ex-generals revolving into defense contractor lobbyists and board members—would redefine the ancient laws of war and peace in terms of mumbo-jumbo techno-jargon. The resulting esoterica was designed to justify budget-busting defense expenditures, without enough care that the federal government would expand while the now overtaxed and overregulated citizen would be at their mercy.

Apparently, a departing Biden sought to graft his own “oligarchy” speech onto Eisenhower’s earlier blueprint.

But Ike was speaking as a successful two-term president. And he was an iconic war hero, as the architect of the successful American role in defeating Hitler—from the beaches of Normandy to the occupation of the defeated German homeland.

The postwar president Eisenhower was worried about a new world in which new nuclear-tipped missiles threatened to turn any conventional war between superpowers into nuclear Armageddon. In other words, Americans listened to Eisenhower, given his probity, gravitas, and experience—and the dangers of the new corporate-government fusion. But they have no reason to listen to Biden.

Or to paraphrase a famous quip from 1988 Democratic vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen, “President Biden, you’re no Dwight Eisenhower.” Biden was removed by his own party insiders from the Democratic ticket before he did further damage to his party as he was finishing his failing one-term presidency. He left the country in shambles, at home with hyperinflation, 12 million illegal entries, a nonexistent border, spiking crime, and destroyed deterrence abroad. He humiliated the armed forces in Afghanistan, encouraging enemies that prompted two theater-wide wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Moreover, after swearing he would not pardon his own son as Hunter Biden faced numerous felony indictments and convictions, Biden did just that—thereby likely preventing further investigations into the entire corrupt Biden family.

Biden leaves office desperate to sabotage his successor, extending even to the pettiest detail, such as selling off critical steel panels essential to the construction of the border wall that he suspended. Again, Ike had credibility; not so with Biden.

Second, until November 2024, Biden had no problems with oligarchs.

In fact, he courted and used them. And they, in turn, eagerly donated lavishly to his agenda. Multibillionaire George Soros nearly wrecked the criminal justice system by pouring millions of dollars into big-city radical district attorney races to ensure the election of left-wing ideologues who would not arrest, indict, jail, convict or incarcerate thousands of dangerous violent felons—all in pursuit of bankrupt progressive ideas like “critical legal theory” and “critical race theory”.

So happy was Biden with Soros’s nihilistic multimillion-dollar work and his lavish contributions to Biden’s two presidential runs that he awarded the Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

In 2020, Meta/Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg did the bidding of the Biden campaign team by pouring $419 million into Biden-related PACs and voting groups to change voting laws and absorb the work of the registrars in key states. And on the eve of the last 2020 presidential debate, it was Facebook, under pressure from Biden lackeys, that began censoring accurate news stories about the incriminating Hunter Biden laptop, in hopes of arming Biden with a credible lie.

Biden also mumbled about “censorship” and the loss of “fact-checkers.” But when the “oligarchs” who run Apple, Facebook, and Google decided to conspire to destroy upstart conservative social media platform Parler in 2021, Biden apparently thought it was wonderful. And, of course, he uttered not a peep of criticism of oligarchic-government strangulation of the market.

So why is Biden so worried about oligarchy?

The answer is as easy as it is insulting. “Oligarchs” like Elon Musk, David Sachs, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Andreesen all realized that Biden’s ruthless team was leveraging their liberalism to use these “oligarchs” as illiberal megaphones for his own power and reelection.

When they understood that the new Democratic dream was to fuse their social media and high-tech companies with the government—but under the control of left-wing anticapitalism activists to help the obsequious and punish the free-thinking—they revolted. In other words, they realized that their freedom was endangered by the left and that the country under Biden was descending into cultural chaos.

Third, quite unlike Biden, Trump is leveraging support from “billionaires,” many of whom have not donated to his campaign and were not previously his political supporters. His appeal to them is not, as alleged, to further the Trump one-term presidency in political terms.

Rather, Trump, in his brief four years, has enlisted “billionaires” like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, David Sachs, and Mark Andresen in the way that Franklin Roosevelt, in 1941-1942, reached out to his other party’s millionaire captains of industry to fuel a Depression-era-recovering economy to produce the type and number of weapons to defeat Germany and Japan, who had a near decade head start. Roosevelt essentially gave these “oligarchs” and “multimillionaires” wide latitude to produce as much as they could to win the war.

The result was that shipbuilder and aluminum magnate Henry Kaiser began mass-producing historic Liberty and Freedom cargo ships in astronomical numbers to supply our troops overseas. The neo-socialist FDR even reached out to arch-paleoconservative Henry Ford. By 1949 Ford was building one B-24 heavy bomber per hour at his innovative and gargantuan Willow Run plant.

Roosevelt also created a “war production board,” staffed by the arch-conservative capitalists—and in Biden’s terms “oligarchs”—like Charles E. Wilson, the head of General Electric; William Murphy of Campbell Soup; Matthew Fox of Universal Pictures; and others, to create a national marriage of labor, capital, media, and advisors to radically reboot the nascent war effort.

The result by 1945 was that a once stagnant and virtually unarmed nation that was surprised at Pearl Harbor, in a short four years, built a navy larger than all the ships of the major combatants combined. America’s capitalists eventually fueled a GDP larger than all our major allies and enemies together. By the end of the war, they were supplying much of the entire Allied effort with everything from aviation and trucks to fuel, radios, and rations.

Trump knows that the current multitrillion-dollar annual deficits and $36 trillion debt are unsustainable—while high taxes, Draconian regulation, and profligate spending are strangulating the economy. And Trump further realizes that our dilemma is the work of both political parties in Congress and past Democrat and Republican administrations.

Trump fears the rise of China that seeks to absorb Taiwan, coerce our friends in the Pacific like Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and steal our technology.

So, he further insists that in the future, the U.S. must master emerging technologies and services—such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cyberwarfare, cryptocurrency, drones, emerging fuels like small nuclear plants, hydrogen, and mega-batteries, and deadly new weaponry from lasers to hypersonic missiles.

In that regard, he knows that the talent that created and mastered these technologies and new services are not greedy billionaires and “oligarchs,” but, if enlisted in a common cause for their fellow citizens, could become the modern successors to Kaiser, Knudson, Ford, and Wilson.

Biden’s hypocritical parting shot at “oligarchs” should be filed with his eleventh-hour crazy pardons, his final lies about pardoning his son, and the bizarre edict that unconstitutionally, as some dictator, he could pass a 28th Amendment by fiat: all the sad end of a sadder presidency.

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34 thoughts on “Biden’s So-Called ‘Oligarchs’”

  1. Thank you, President Trump, for firing the USCG Admiral. Just too bad you weren’t in office sooner when my son was still serving as he opted to not re-up as he was sick of the DEI BS! Great article as always Victor. Many of us prayed for divine intervention and thank the good lord our prayers were answered. I have now downgraded myself from a devoted fatalist under the Devil incarnate Biden regime to a semi fatalist. I am very optimistic, however, until I see positive steps towards balancing the budget and reducing the national debt sooner than later, I remain fatalistic. Sorry!! God bless America, our military and Veterans.

  2. Marshall Blankenship

    I greatly enjoy your books and commentary. Thank you. I have a favor to ask, though I understand that I haven’t the right to ask.
    I believe it is critical to the formation of my children and grandchildren that they have an understanding of their heritage, to help them appreciate the blessings and challenges of being born into our family (13th gen in N America, farmers to this day). As such, it will be helpful for them to understand if we have just lived through the most feckless, divisive, corrupt and tyrannical presidency in US History.
    You are altogether more painfully aware of the bias of contemporary historians on the matter. Bill O’Reilley rated Biden second only to Buchanan, but the criteria he used might be as subjective as those in academe whose opinion I ascribe little value to.
    Perhaps you might take an episode, or write a book, exploring the subject? I imagine I am not alone in having lived through this car wreck of a presidency and wondered if my ancestors had to endure worse

  3. Mary Lou Arkfeld

    Just listened to The Biden Way, Way Out.

    Always enjoy your perspective on all issues Victor.
    But what brings tears to my eyes is the absolutely heartwarming memory and
    LOVE you have of your parents, especially such a caring and kind MOTHER.
    NO, we are not all so fortunate….
    The story of you meeting MLK and then your Mother’s forward-thinking response, AND the fact that your clarity of details now makes it possible for we the listeners to put ourselves THERE, well, it’s amazing!

    Thank you so very much.
    God Bless You
    Mary Lou Arkfeld

  4. Jeffrey J Munks

    And let’s not forget the Pardon Bomb that Biden dropped 17 minutes before he left office, while Trump was giving his inaugural speech. He pardoned his brother, Jim, and several other family members for all acts going back to 2014. Hmmm, I wonder why he chose that date and, as he and other leading democrats said repeatedly as Trump was preparing to leave office, why would you pardon someone who is not guilty? Spot on, democrats. Spot on.

  5. It’s remarkable that President Trump is willing to work with former foes such as Mark Zuckerberg who opposed him greatly.

    Likewise, Zuckerberg seemed so genuinely opposed to Trump and conservatives so why should he want to work with Trump? Is there more for Zuckerberg’s cooperation than he doesn’t want to be illiberally used by the left? What does Zuckerberg have to gain?

  6. I second what Robert WIndholz said about Biden not have the mental capability to copycat Eisenhower; it had to be his handlers.
    Fortunately with today’s technology much of what was said just 50 months ago is on video and the hypocrisy of the left is on full display, including Biden’s. Back when Biden was the ‘oval occupant’ select the entire left went on a rant about Trump considering preemptive pardons for his family. CNN’s Jake Flapper interviewed Biden and asked him about that to which Biden said his administration would not. Adam Shift made the statement if they did nothing wrong why would they need pardons. A host of talking bobbleheads disdained criticism and claiming it would be an indication of guilt. Well here we are today with Biden doing, not only preemptive pardons but covering more than a decade prior to.
    The lying left knows no boundries.

  7. Did you address Trump’s assertion to eliminate Birthright Citizenship by Executive Order? Do those “trump” the Constitution? LOLZ

  8. It should also be noted that some of the oligarchs discussed in this article are also pioneers in the technology of increasing surveillance, whether Musk, Theil (Palantir), or Ellison (Oracle), etc. While it is all well and good that surveillance technology, when in the hands of those who believe in individual liberty, should be advanced toward enemies, the issue becomes what happens with this technology once another administration comes in that wishes to use this against the American citizen.

    By the way, Biden also pardoned the ‘staff’ of those involved with the J6 committee hearings, as well. Basically Lawfare deep state operatives who normally go unnoticed and unnamed, but are instrumental in the harm that has come to the US over the past 4 years.

  9. Arthur Herman’s book, “Freedom’s Forge” is a retelling of the the War Production Board during World War 11, and the businessmen galvanized the industrial power of the U.S. Largely forgotten today, Henry J. Kaiser, William Knutson, and others deserve to be remembered. A great read.

  10. should you mentioned the number of past senators and rep’s who are currently working on “K” street?
    how about stating the number of millionaires currently holding offices in the government—rep’s and dem’s??
    and what was the national debt when Biden elected President, compared to when he left?

  11. Slo Joe Biden has always been a plagiarist and liar, just another form of plagiarism, from his earliest days in government. Plagiarizing Ike’s “military-industrial complex” address – poorly, inaccurately, and blatantly – is absolutely on brand for the amoral sumbitch. Biden is stupid enough to continue thinking he can get away with it despite past results—Damnatio Memoriae for this venal fraud and his criminal brood. Even as a prime bad example, Slo Joe from Scranton isn’t even mediocre.

  12. This is a little of topic but, IMO, hugely significant in the present context. In addition to warning about the dangers of the “military industrial complex” President Eisenhower’s farewell speech contained a 2nd, perhaps equally important warning and a major reason for DJT’s triumph. Here it is:

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
    In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
    Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite

    I wish this warning had half the awareness and recall with the public that the warning about the military industrial complex has come to enjoy. The day after Tony Fauci received his pardon perhaps it’s time to heed Ike’s prescient words. “…public policy itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite” Between Covid and the censorship of conservatives the republic narrowly averted this tragedy.

    1. D’accord. Allowing the Federal Government to direct critical research and development thru grants and funding is a Fool’s Errand.

  13. Hopefully, Trump will realize the US has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world a few times over. The country doesn’t need new multi-billion dollar weapons systems and a three million plus man military to defend the country.
    The US was last invaded by Great Britain in 1812.

  14. The Lonely Lie
    (A poem about politics)

    Once there was a lonely lie
    That crawled off by itself to die.
    But, before it even left the room,
    Its offspring had begun to bloom.
    Soon the truth had lost its place
    And it quietly left in sad disgrace.
    It’s crowded now in that small room
    And honor there you can’t presume.

  15. The irony of Biden copying Eisenhower is Biden has a long history of being a serial plagiarist. It is truly a fitting way for him to exit his presidency.

  16. Robert Windholz

    A fine historical synopsis.
    However, Biden is personally such an intellectual midget, to credit him with the evil he dropped on his country without crediting the lackeys in his administration is to mislead the country and to give him more negative credit than he earned.
    The primary talent of the Biden Presidency was gaslighting the country and fortunately the Trump election shows the gaslighting was not fully successful, except for the millions of dangerous democrats who supported the farcical Harris campaign.
    G.d protect us from Democrats who are either in denial or truly malevolent.

    1. You are correct. Biden couldn’t have done it all on his own. He doesn’t have anywhere near the intellect required to devise and execute the destruction of the country in only 4 years.

    1. What a wonderful and totally apt historical reference with the “Parthian shot”. Although, I doubt, Mr. Biden would have the flexibility or skill to execute the actual maneuver. Also, unlike Mr. Biden‘s shots as he rides away, the Parthian shot was often quite effective.

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