Biden’s Record and Republican Campaigns

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Bidenomics, Biden’s diplomacy, border and crime record, Turkey and the islands of Greece, the polls and DeSantis’ and Trump’s standing and campaigns, and affirmative action cases decided by the Supreme Court.

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9 thoughts on “Biden's Record and Republican Campaigns”

  1. Regarding Hillsdale, I suspect they require applicants to attest to their salvation through Christ? Do they have a dress code?

    And the point about Trump as an angel of vengeance I fully support, but maybe part of the plan to pick up that 5% lies with using the word “deterrence” more and “retribution” or even “justice” (whose meaning has been corrupted by the race war) less.


    That impression of Harris’ cackling was incredibly accurate, and blood-curdling. Was that VDH doing the impression? Very good!

  3. Victor,
    I enjoy both your articles & interviews, the former for their scholarly import, the latter for the down-to-earth vernacular. It reminds me of a comment by a Brown Classics professor years ago that pointed out the difference between the written & spoken word.
    More importantly, your views on society often coincide with my own, and you boost my self-confidence in somehow dealing with others – as a stranger in a strange land.
    Keep it going, my friend!

  4. Just one comment on the danger of flooding Hillsdale with left-wing students. I think if Hillsdale maintains its record of achievement based on merit, the left-wing students won’t be able to cut it. The concern should center IMO around invasion of the faculty by the left-wing – if the faculty (and administration) remain centered, the Left will have some difficulty getting a foothold.

  5. Jack and Victor your conversations each week are the highlight of my political discourse romp, the pods always leave me wiser motivated and wishing you two would go on longer but alas I know you both give much of your time, so for that my family and friends thank you. (your podcast which I forward has helped many of those close to me understand why its so important to look past personality when voting in 2024) SIDE NOTE: I hope you take some of these Troll commenters with a grain of salt it looks to me you bad actors bots posting rude comments, just know you are universally loved and appreciated from Americans that are paying close attention. get some rest Professor and Jack you take care as well… salude

  6. I don’t know why I listen to VDH all the time, we agree on 99% of the current issues and I think exactly the same as he does on Biden(BS)economics. Of course he articulates it in ways I only wish I could. That he teaches us something about history and his stories of life on the farm are wonderful and add to each podcast.
    Thanks professor, you are always sober and judicious ;). I will continue to listen.

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