Aristophanes’ Comedy and Modern Secrets and Fantasies

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc for discussion of Aristophanes and some current news: US-Hamas in secret talks, illegal immigrants and secret transport, California Senatorial race, Musk imbroglios, and Pope Francis’ fantasies from the Vatican.

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6 thoughts on “Aristophanes' Comedy and Modern Secrets and Fantasies”

  1. Back in the ’80s at Cal State, I took “Classical Greek Tragedy”, and our final for the semester was staging and performing Lysistrata. I played “The Commissioner”, which required that I engineer and appear on a theater stage wearing 18-inch phallus made out of some socks, nylon stocking and a coat hanger for erectness. It got quite a laugh from the audience.

    I wonder if in the age of wokeism and trigger warnings if staging that is even possible anymore. Or if that class even still exists.

  2. Progressives play the long game: They are sending the illegals to blue states because over the last decade the blue states have been losing their wealthy and middle class citizens to red states. In the wake of the 2020 census, blue states lost almost a dozen house seats to red states and were on track to lose more in 2030. The Democrats need those seats back. Now with non-citizens being recognized in the census count and with another 20-million or so new residents over the next 6 years, they will get those seats back.


    What do you expect a Pope to say about war, arms, and disarmament? Is it even worth the sarcastic commentary, or is it worth just a grunt of acknowledgement and then moving on?

    If this subject was in the context of Francis’ comment that the Ukrainians should negotiate, then Sami should have mentioned that in her set up.

  4. Stephen Kratovil

    Our σοφιστής: My hope is, assuming I’m not immediately judged by the Comrades’ Courts to be an irredeemable and exterminated, to be sentenced to the Stanford University Re-Education Center; where I hope you, Jack, Sami, Tom Sowell and others will be interned. It should be fascinating, of course, until the lobotomies are ordered.

    Next (and I know this can’t be an original thought), but I’ll add to those who have made the suggestion; please try and interview Elon Musk. I know you’ve said that you have read the Walter Isaacson biography and thus you and Elon have at least a mutual interest in the “Woke Mind Virus” , as well as military history. I suspect that there is lots of other fertile ground you two could cover. A trifecta would include Tom Sowell in the interview, wow!!

    Until then, “thanks for all your wisdom” !

    Steve Kratovil, South Dartmouth, MA

    1 Attribution: Elon Musk
    2 Attribution: Jack Fowler

  5. Stephen Kratovil

    Our σοφιστής: My hope is, assuming I’m not immediately judged by the Comrades’ Courts to be an irredeemable and exterminated, to be sentenced to the Stanford University Re-Education Center; where I hope you, Jack, Sami, Tom Sowell and others will be interned. It should be fascinating, of course, until the lobotomies are ordered.

    Next (and I know this can’t be an original thought), but I’ll add to those who have made the suggestion before; please try and interview Elon Musk. I know you’ve said that you have read the Walter Isaacson biography and thus you and he have at least a mutual interest in the Woke Mind Virus, as well as military history. I suspect that there is lots of other fertile ground you two could cover. A trifecta would include Tom Sowell in the interview, wow!!

    Until then, thanks for all your wisdom! Steve Kratovil, South Dartmouth, MA

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