Illegal Immigration as ‘Slavery’?
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Marco Rubio’s press secretary, Alex Conant, might wish to cease his demagoguery when he’s behind.

The Paradoxes of the Boston Bombings
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Al-Qaedism A certain American (or for that matter Westernized) resident or citizen — usually male, almost always young, born a Muslim, prone to guilt over temporary secularization or Westernization, as often (or more so) from Pakistan, a Russian Islamic province, the Balkans, Iran, the Philippines, or Africa as from […]

North Korean Mythologies
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Much of what is written about the North Korean crisis seems to me little more than fantasy. Let us examine the mythologies.

Margaret Thatcher and the Death of Feminism
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage The death of Margaret Thatcher will no doubt generate much deserved recognition and discussion of her historical significance.

The Islamist Pull
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Although information is still too sketchy to draw any comprehensive conclusions (other than that the Boston killings are not, as recently suggested, fall out from sequestration, the NRA, lack of gun control, climate change, right-wing tea-party zealots, etc.), there emerges a familiar profile to the suspects that we have […]

The Dangers of Politically Inspired Moral Outrage–From Sandy Hook to What Next?
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner It is a bad idea to demonize your opponents with epithets such “shameful” and “lying,” given that the case was not made that proposed gun-control legislation would have prevented a Sandy Hook.

Iran’s North Korean Furture
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The idea of a nuclear Iran — and of preventing a nuclear Iran — terrifies security analysts.

Confessions of a Counter-Revolutionary
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media “Counter-revolutionary” is an apt term for these days: President Obama has promised to make a fundamental transformation, a veritable revolution in American society and culture.

After Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services We can imagine what lies ahead in 2017 — no matter the result of either the 2014 midterm elections or the 2016 presidential outcome.

Krugman’s California Dreaming
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online It is rare, even in the case of Paul Krugman, to read a column in which almost everything that is stated is either wrong or deliberately misleading. But his recent take on California’s renaissance is pure fantasy.

America in the Age of Myth
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media We live in a mythic age — but mythic in the sense of made-up. The Coastal Aristocrat In the last thirty years, I have probably spoken 200 times at a coastal university of some sort, most of which were on the Eastern seaboard.

The Tin-Drum Progressive Boomers
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Like the hero of Gunter Grass’ novel The Tin Drum, America’s progressive Baby Boomers chose not to grow up. Why should they?

Iraq a Convenient Scapegoat
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Bring up Iraq — and expect to end up in an argument. Conservatives are no different from liberals in rehashing the unpopular war, which has become a sort of whipping boy for all our subsequent problems.

Iraq–Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I. The Case for Invasion Wise The Bush administration built a broad domestic coalition and an adequate foreign alliance (more inclusive than the UN-sanctioned effort against North Korea in 1950).

America’s Big Fat Advantage
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services For all the Obama-era talk of decline, there is at least one reason why America probably won’t, at least not quite yet.

Why Did We Invade Iraq?
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online On the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the back-and-forth recriminations continue, but in all the “not me” defenses, we have forgotten, over the ensuing decade, the climate of 2003 and why we invaded in the first place. The war was predicated on six suppositions.

Five Days of Hope and Despair
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Here is a brief travel log of five days amid 21st-century California.

Where Does Republican Foreign Policy Go From Here?
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage The GOP’s continuing analysis of last November’s debacle has now sparked a debate about foreign policy.

From Affirmative Action to Diversity
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Sometime in the new millennium, “global warming” evolved into “climate change.”

Who Will Bell America?
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Remember the medieval fable about the mice that wanted their dangerous enemy, the cat, belled, but each preferred not to be the one to attempt the dangerous deed?