Nemesis, After All
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media A Plodding Goddess Like a broken record, for the last five years I have invoked the Greek concept of Nemesis, or divine retribution for unchecked hubris, to explain what was in store for the Obama administration.

The Lost Meaning of Independence Day
by Bruce S. Thornton Front Page Magazine Independence Day is a time of backyard barbeques and fireworks, department-store sales and blockbuster movies, patriotic bunting and flying the flag––in short, a time of leisure and consumption, with a few obligatory nods to the momentous event that July 4 is supposed to celebrate. But as the years […]

The Press and Dr. Faustus
Too late, American journalists realize their mistake. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In the old Dr. Faustus story, a young scholar bargains away his soul to the devil for promises of obtaining almost anything he wants.

Obama’s Bluster Pulpit
The president’s saber-rattling in the Middle East makes America look weak and puts the world in danger by Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas At the turn of the century, Teddy Roosevelt famously advised statesmen to “speak softly and carry a big stick.”

Obama’s Proxy War on Mideast Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim PJ Media With the recent decision to arm the opposition fighting Syrian President Assad, the United States has effectively declared a proxy war on Syria’s indigenous Christians—a proxy war that was earlier waged on Christians in other Mideast nations, resulting in the abuse, death, and/or mass exodus of Christians.

Liberal Apartheid
The elite mostly lead a reactionary existence of talking one way and living another. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online One of the strangest things about the modern progression in liberal thought is its increasing comfort with elitism and high style. Over the last 30 years, the enjoyment of refined tastes, both material and […]

C-Span: After Words with Victor Davis Hanson
VDH talks about his new book, The Savior Generals: How Five Commanders Saved Wars that Were Lost – From Ancient Greece to Iraq with Kim Kagan, president and founder of the Institute for the Study of War

Flying as Torture
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media As the Fourth of July nears, be careful of flying.

The Orthodoxies of a Cult
by Terry Scambray New Oxford Review Faith, Resistance, and the Future: Daniel Berrigan’s Challenge to Catholic Thought. Edited by James L. Marsh and Anna J. Brown. Fordham University Press. 416 pages.

Libyan Intelligence: Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi Involved in U.S. Consulate Attack
by Raymond Ibrahim RaymondIbrahim.com According to a Libyan intelligence document, the Muslim Brotherhood, including Egyptian President Morsi, were involved in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, where several Americans, including U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, were killed.

The Glue Holding America Together
As it fragments into various camps, the country is being held together by a common popular culture. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online By a.d. 200, the Roman Republic was a distant memory. Few citizens of the global Roman Empire even knew of their illustrious ancestors like Scipio or Cicero. Millions no longer spoke Latin. Italian emperors were a […]

The Mood of 1980
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Next year could be a frightening one, in the fashion of 1979–80.

Obama to Egyptian Christians: Don’t Protest the Brotherhood
by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine As Egyptians of all factions prepare to demonstrate in mass against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi’s rule on June 30, the latter has been trying to reduce their numbers, which some predict will be in the millions and eclipse the Tahrir protests that earlier ousted Mubarak.

The Senate Immigration Bill: Another Legislative Disaster
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine The “comprehensive immigration reform” bill cooked up by the Senate has a decided Obamacare stink to it. Like that disaster, the immigration bill is rushing to solve a whole host of complex problems with a massive, muddled bill few Senators will have the time or inclination to read in […]

If Only Our Foreign Enemies Were Republicans
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I cannot recall, in the last five years, Barack Obama ever identifying the Iranians, Hezbollah, or the late Hugo Chavez as among our “enemies,” in the fashion that he once urged Latino leaders to punish conservatives at the polls:

Immigration: If the Bill Passes
Both Obama’s record and the results of past immigration “reforms” paint a bleak picture. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online There are lots of reasons to believe that most of what is promised in the current so-called comprehensive immigration-reform bill won’t be honored if it is passed by the full Congress and signed by […]

Can the Human Mind Explain Itself?
by Terry Scambray New Oxford Review A Review of Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False, Thomas Nagel. Oxford University Press, 2012. 128 pages. $24.95

Lies Subvert Demovracy
Obama and his team have subverted the government they pledged to serve. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Truth is the lifeblood of democracy. Without honesty, the foundations of consensual government crumble.

The President’s Boilerplate Address to Berliners
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Aside from the usual Obama “hope and change/yes we can” boilerplate platitudes, there were also the same old disturbing and disingenuous statements in his Berlin speech.