Hillary and the Suspension of Disbelief
By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days by PJMedia In a September 2007 congressional inquiry about the ongoing surge in Iraq, then Senator Hillary Clinton all but called Gen. David Petraeus a liar. After Petraeus gave a cautiously optimistic—and prescient—appraisal of the growing quiet in Iraq, Clinton curtly dismissed him with the literary term […]

The Regrettable Decline of Higher Learning
By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services What do campus microaggressions, safe spaces, trigger warnings, speech codes and censorship have to do with higher learning? American universities want it both ways. They expect unquestioned subsidized support from the public, but also to operate in a way impossible for anyone else. Colleges still wear the […]

Lessons From California’s Drought
By Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas Image credit: Barbara Kelley By the end of 2015, it had begun raining and snowing throughout California after fifty months of drought. Meteorologists had long forecasted that the cyclical return of the so-called El Niño Southern Oscillation—the episodic rise in temperature of a band of ocean water that develops in […]

California of the Dark Ages
By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days by PJ Media I recently took a few road trips longitudinally and latitudinally across California. The state bears little to no resemblance to what I was born into. In a word, it is now a medieval place of lords and peasants—and few in between. Or rather, as […]

Forget Trump but Not the Trumpsters
Memo to RNC: Stop ridiculing Trump and look at what voters see in him. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online A disclaimer: Trump is not my preferred candidate. I hope he does not win the Republican nomination. But I understand why millions seem to be mesmerized by his rhetoric. I certainly wish that […]

Either Carry a Big Stick—Or Shut Up!
By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days by PJMedia Western culture is deservedly exceptional. No other tradition has given the individual such security, freedom, and prosperity. The Athens-Jerusalem mixture of Christian humility (and guilt) and the classical Socratic introspection combined in the West to make it a particularly self-reflective and self-critical society, in a […]

Obama Administration Needs to Abandon Its Petraeus Obsession
Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services In politically driven moods, the ancient Romans often wiped from history all mention of a prior hero or celebrity. They called such erasures damnatio memoriae. The Soviet Union likewise airbrushed away, or “Trotskyized,” all the images of any past kingpin who became politically incorrect. The Obama administration seems […]

The New Segregationism
The Oscar nominations have brought a corrosive racial politics to the fore. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online One of the stranger demands of various campus affiliates of Black Lives Matter was the call for “safe spaces.” That is a euphemism for designated racially segregated areas. In such zones, particular minority groups are […]

Still Polarizing after All These Years
By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days hosted by PJMedia Polls confirm that Obama is the most polarizing president in recent memory. There is little middle ground: supporters worship him; detractors in greater number seem to vehemently dislike him. Why then does the president, desperate for some sort of legacy, continue to embrace polarization? […]

The Many Contradictions of Hillary
By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Hillary Clinton recently said she would go after offshore tax “schemes” in the Caribbean. That is a worthy endeavor, given the loss of billions of dollars in U.S. tax revenue. Yet her husband, Bill Clinton, reportedly made $10 million as an advisor and an occasional partner in […]

The Enigma of Germany
By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online What to fear in Germany — an ideologically driven leader who unilaterally is changing the demographics of the nation without public support, or an angry populist counter-movement that vows to keep Germans safe by any means necessary when the government won’t? Both, or neither? Is Germany postmodern […]

Obama’s Failings among the Reasons for Trump’s Rise
By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Three truths fuel Donald Trump. One, Barack Obama is the Dr. Frankenstein of the supposed Trump monster. If a charismatic, Ivy League-educated, landmark president who entered office with unprecedented goodwill and both houses of Congress on his side could manage to wreck the Democratic Party while turning […]

One Left-Wing Ring to Rule Them All
Proper liberal credentials trump all the usual forms of identity politics. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In the 21st century, doctrinaire liberalism is synonymous with hypocrisy. Or maybe it is better seen as career insurance, providing exemption from all the many paradoxes of a leftist worldview. The rich supporter of affirmative action […]

Reflections on Wise and Suicidal Immigration
By Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Legal immigration has historically been classically liberal and a great boon for the United States. Immigrants often bring in energy and fresh ideas. In the past, newcomers from around the world were eager for a second start in the United States. They nearly all worked hard, reminding American-born […]

Rendezvous with Reality in 2016
By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Changes of administrations usually mark dicey times in American foreign policy. But transitional hazards will never be greater than in 2016. Over a span of just a few months in mid-1945, new president Harry Truman lost all trust in Soviet Union strongman Josef Stalin — in a […]

Politically Incorrect New Year
By Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media We live in an expanding culture of victimhood fueled by identity politics. Americans are supposedly saved from themselves by a new hipster generation of Silicon Valley zillionaires, socially aware techies, progressive government bureaucrats, crusading liberal journalists, and cranky, mostly irrelevant academics. So why do they not address the […]

California Is Leading from Behind
Consider California’s upside-down logic. By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services California has given us three new truths about government. One, the higher that taxes rise, the worst state services become. Two, the worse a natural disaster hits, the more the state contributes to its havoc. And three, the more existential the problem, the […]

Hating the West, Inc.
Western elites and Third World critics both enjoy Western largesse. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Professing dislike of the West and its culture and legacy is an industry on campus. The subtext of “white privilege” is that it consists of unearned status accorded those of European background. To listen to the anti-Westerners, […]

Community Organizing America
By Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia The modern art of a community organizer seems fairly simple. The proverbial agitator identifies a particular aggrieved racial, ethnic, gender, or class group that believes equality of opportunity must guarantee equality of result. Then he “organizes” the victims by claiming that their ostensible failure to obtain parity can only […]

The Mother of Peace
What Obama doesn’t understand about human nature. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Deterrence makes someone not do something. A parent promotes good teen behavior not just by providing cars and smartphones, but also by the explicit specter of graduated punishments that an adolescent does not wish to repeat, and thus chooses instead […]