02/12/18 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: I was surprised this morning. Usually when I read your column I want to throw up. But today’s column was absolutely brilliant Nice job Mike Benbrook Oakhurst CA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dear Reforming Angry Reader Mike Benbrook, Vomiting is not healthy. If I were to do so each time I receive a reader’s […]

02/09/18 Angry Reader
From An Angry(?) Reader: Greetings Professor Hanson! For many years now, I have followed you on talk radio, TV interviews, YouTube videos, books and published articles. I greatly appreciate your commitment to truth, accurate history and the application of those two principles to current events. Your reasoning and observations are always clear, astute and logical. […]

02/08/18 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: I initially became interested in your work after your podcast interview with Dan Carlin many years ago. The need to engage in a priori reasoning is an important lesson. It is disappointing that you have forgotten this lesson in your many defenses of Trump and your unhinged criticisms of Barack Obama. […]

Scandal, Corruption, Lawbreaking — And So What?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The FISA-gate, Clinton emails, and Uranium One scandals are sort of reaching a consensus. Many things quite wrong and illegal were done by both Hillary Clinton and her entourage and members of the Obama agencies and administration — both the acts themselves and the cover-ups and omissions that ensued. […]

Republican Embarrassments
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Free-marketers are right that tax cuts stimulate economic growth that in turn lead to expanding production and eventually more federal tax revenue. But the problem traditionally has been that to obtain tax reductions, Republicans also have had to sign on reluctantly to larger expenditures. Or, worse, they willingly believed […]

Counterfeit Elitism
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Those damn dairy farmers. Why do they insist on trying to govern? Or, put another way: Why are Republicans trusting Devin Nunes to be their oracle of truth!? A former dairy farmer who House intel staffers refer to as Secret Agent Man because he has no idea what’s going […]

Swamp Things?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No doubt people talk indiscreetly when they believe their communications are private; perhaps those in an illicit affair may posture and brag about their self-importance and exaggerate. All that said, when reading through the latest release of the Page-Strzok archive, one is struck not just that the two who […]

FISA-Gate is Scarier than Watergate
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The Watergate scandal of 1972–74 was uncovered largely because of outraged Democratic politicians and a bulldog media. They both claimed that they had saved American democracy from the Nixon administration’s attempt to warp the CIA and FBI to cover up an otherwise minor, though illegal, political break-in. In the […]

A Year of Achievement: the case for the Trump presidency
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review As President Trump finished his first full year in office, he could look back at an impressive record of achievement of a kind rarely attained by an incoming president — much less by one who arrived in office as a private-sector billionaire without either prior political office or military […]

The FISA-Gate Boomerangs
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Some things still do not add up about the so-called Steele dossier, FISA warrants, the Nunes memo, and the hysterical Democratic reaction to it. A Big Deal or a Nothing Deal? 1) Progressives and Democrats warned on the eve of the memo’s release that it would cause havoc throughout […]

The Ticking Memo
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The House Intelligence Committee memo is pretty simple. It should not have been classified and thus far withheld from the public. In fact, far more information now needs to be released. Despite the outcry, as Chairman Devin Nunes clarified, the memo can easily be in the near future supported […]

Radioactive Trump
Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas Hillary Clinton seems to be experiencing a strange, slow motion meltdown following her 2016 loss to Donald Trump. Recently, she sent out a Twitter video message, recorded on her cellphone camera, with advice to feminists: “And let me just say, this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches. So […]

Rethinking the Geography of Power
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Where the seats of power are located matters. Given the populist revolt in the United States and Europe against the so-called global elite, it is time to refigure the geography of governmental and transnational power. Take the United Nations. Much of the international body’s perceived negatives derive from being […]

Slashing at the Shadows of Trump
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Trump’s publicly well-received speech (we hope the Obama first-person singular continues to give way to the Trump first-person plural) did not register with his enemies, mostly progressives but some Never Trumpers as well. But what if Trump follows up on his speech by letting his successful policies speak for […]

From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracies
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Not all conspiracy theorists are unhinged paranoids—even when they insist there was a loosely organized if not sometimes incoherent effort to destroy Donald Trump’s candidacy beyond the bounds of “normal” politics and later a renewed and unprecedented endeavor to abort his presidency. After all, did anyone believe that in […]

Did The FBI Vouch For The Crazy Russian Deal From The Steele Dossier?
Paul Roderick Gregory // Forbes The media’s promotion of an unverified dossier against Republican candidate, Donald Trump, failed to cement Hillary Clinton’s expected victory in November. If that were the whole story, the dossier would have faded from public view, the new President Trump would not have spent his first year fighting off charges of […]

Hillary’s ‘Sure’ Victory Explains Most Everything
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review What exactly were top officials in the FBI and DOJ doing during the election of 2016? The Page-Strzok text exchanges might offer a few answers. Or, as Lisa Page warned her paramour as early as February 2016, at the beginning of the campaign and well before the respective party […]

Will Unfinished Train Overpasses Become California’s Stonehenge?
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review The misbegotten project, now stalling, should never have been started. Nobody quite knows who built Stonehenge some 5,000 years ago in southern England. The mysterious ring of huge stone monoliths stands mute. Californians may leave behind similarly enigmatic monuments for puzzled future generations. Along a 119-mile […]

Trump’s Midterm Known Unknowns
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review ‘Shy’ Trump voters, a booming economy, consumer confidence, looming investigations, anti-Trump frenzy — all add up to uncertainty in the 2018 elections. Conventional wisdom and media hopes are now combining to warn us of what is shaping up as a Trump wipeout in the 2018 midterms. […]

Mythologies of Illegal Immigration
By Victor Davis Hanson| American Greatness The illegal immigration debate has come to a head once again. Congress remains at an impasse over a temporary spending bill that Senate Democrats refuse to support unless it includes a provision that would allow several hundred thousand illegal aliens to remain in the United States without fear of […]