The Confederate Mind
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Progressives such as Elizabeth Warren resurrect the race-based thinking of the antebellum South: ‘One drop’ and you’re a bona fide minority. Senator Elizabeth Warren has doubled down on her insistence that she is Native American. THE NEW ONE-DROP FIXATION In her past incarnations, she probably used that yarn in […]

Leave McMaster Be
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review About every two months, there are rumors that Gen. H. R. McMaster might be let go as Trump’s national-security adviser (along with many other stellar appointees). The world, however, is a much more logical and predictable place than it was 14 months ago. We’ve restored ties to the Gulf […]

Lessons from Germany’s ‘Spring Offensive,’ 100 Years Later
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Germany lost World War I in a matter of months after near victory. The lessons from that defeat are still valuable today. One hundred years ago this month, all hell broke loose in France. On March 21, 1918, the German army on the Western Front unleashed a series of […]

03/13/2018 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: You might have had that intolerable delay because of my son and I (sic). We’re (sic) you the old guy with the nasty glare? We are use (sic) to people like you. Did you ever hear the phrase, “liberty for all” or “equality for all?” You are a Trumpite, which means […]

Swamp Things in the Russia Investigation
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness “The Swamp” usually refers to the vast federal bureaucratic machinery of mostly unelected top officials who exercise influence and power without worry about the appearance of conflicts of interest. They are often exempt from the consequences of the laws and regulations that affect others. The chief characteristics of the […]

The New Left Trumps the Old Right
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Anti-Semitism, racism, deception, and dirty tricks: For progressives, the ends justify the means. ‘White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is […]

The Rapid ‘Progress’ of Progressivism
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review It leads to an endless race for equality and erodes prior rules.Not long ago I waited for a flight to board. The plane took off 45 minutes late. There were only two attendants to accommodate eleven passengers who had requested wheelchair assistance. Such growing efforts to ensure that the […]

Putin’s nuclear posturing part of effort to win back displeased public
This article is by a colleague of mine: Dr. Paul Gregory // The Hill Vladimir Putin served up his election platform for his perfunctory March 18 re-election in his annual address to the two houses of Russia’s parliament on Thursday. Putin addressed two audiences — the Russian people and his external enemies, namely the U.S. and NATO. Putin […]

Strategika Issue 48: U.S. Military Policy in Afghanistan
Since the war in Afghanistan began in late 2001, three successive presidential administrations have claimed that the Taliban are on the verge of collapse, the Afghan military is close to securing the country, and Afghan leaders in Kabul are just one step away from providing legitimate governance. Click here to read more at the Hoover […]

Trump Syndromes
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Trump creates hysteria, both rabid antipathies and fervent support. General chaos surrounds President Trump. Few dispute that. All argue over the origins, causes, and nature of these wild reactions to our president. The Left’s Hatred Take the Left’s loathing of Trump that arises from three sources. First, Trump supposedly […]

Trump’s Generals Are Too Valuable to Be Dismissed
Victor Davis Hanson // Town Hall Near-daily gossip surrounds Donald Trump’s three marquee generals. The media sometimes blare out rumors that Gen. John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, is proving to be a loose cannon and might soon be fired. Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, Trump’s national security adviser, is occasionally rumored to be […]

The Real Russian Disaster
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Donald Trump has said a lot of silly stuff about Russia, from joking about Vladimir Putin helping to find Hillary’s deleted emails, to naïve musings about the extent of Russian interference into Western democratic elections. But far more important than what he has said is what Trump has done. […]

The Labyrinth of Oppressions
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness When the human experience is simplistically divided into two worlds, then things increasingly do not easily fit. Specifically, what happens when the number of victims begins to outnumber the pool of oppressors? At that point can the oppressed become victims of the oppressed? The following news stories illustrate the increasingly […]

Rethinking Watergate
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution The Watergate break-in is now 45 years old. The scandal is as distant from our own time as it was once from 1928. The median age of Americans is about 38 years old. Half of all Americans were likely born after the break-in. But Watergate is hardly ancient history. […]

The Paradoxes of the Mueller Investigation
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review They are numerous, and none of them are good news for President Trump’s opponents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 13 Russian nationals for allegedly conspiring to sow confusion in the 2016 presidential election. The chance of extraditing any of the accused from Vladimir Putin’s Russia is zero. Some […]

Understanding the California Mind
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Nancy Pelosi gave a marathon speech on illegal immigration the other day. But how would she know much about the realities of open borders, given her palatial retreat in Northern California and multi-millionaire lifestyle that allows wealthy progressives like herself to be exempt from the consequences of her own hectoring? In […]

Kill Chic
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In movies, novels, music, and art, progressives murder their enemies, including presidents, in myriad ways. We live in a society in which gratuitous violence is the trademark of video games, movies, and popular music. Kill this, shoot that in repugnant detail becomes a race to the visual and spoken […]

02/16/2018 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: Sir, Your piece on political scandals is totally skewed of facts. The only so-called FISA-gate has been created by Trump’s lacky Nunes. Your writing of lies and inaccuracies only fuels the clueless base of this president. I don’t need to tell you what the real information about the Carter Page investigation […]

Who’s Really Winning the North Korea Standoff?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review There have been wild reports that the United States is considering a “bloody nose” preemptive attack of some sort on North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. Such rumors are unlikely to prove true. Preemptive attacks usually are based on the idea that things will so worsen that hitting first is the […]

02/14/2018 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader From SM: Your article sucks. What if CNN didn’t hate FDR? You can’t debate a hypothetical situation. Trump is probably going to prison. Have fun. _________________________________________________________ Dear Angry Reader SM, 1) Define “sucks.” 2) It is called counter-factual history and offers food, however unwished, for thought. 3) Trump is not likely […]