Angry Reader 08-22-2018
From An Angry Reader: Subject: Treasonous Historians You are liar like Trump and you and your fellow Comprotnik should be breaking rocks in Leavenworth… Trying to undermine Mueller won’t work, the report will be devastating. You will be shown just as treasonous, and obviously racist, as the Putin puppet….For memory, how long did the Clinton […]

From One Psychodrama to Another
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Michael Wolff and his media-hyped blockbuster—that supposedly game-changing landmark of a book Fire and Fury—are now ancient history. Fading similarly is Karen McDougal, Playboy‘s 1998 Playmate of the Year, and her National Enquirer grifter lawsuit that was also supposed to destroy the Trump presidency. We are by now mostly tired with Stormy Daniels […]

Was the Pre-Trump World Normal or Abnormal?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Much of the controversy that surrounds the policies of Donald Trump can be explained as a reaction to the past. He was either clumsily disrupting the sacrosanct or trying to resurrect what was lost. In other words, what you feel about Trump is inseparable from what you think of […]

The Double Standards of Postmodern Justice
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Our institutions offer no principles to explain why some people’s lives are harmed or destroyed, and others’ lives are not. The New York Times recently hired as a writer and board member Sarah Jeong. The Times knew that in recent years Jeong had posted a series of unapologetically racist anti-white tweets. She had […]

John Brennan’s Security Clearance
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Scarier than former CIA chief John Brennan losing his security clearance is the idea that he ever had one in the first place. Perhaps to avoid the appearance of partisanship in pulling the security clearances of former intelligence chiefs, the Trump administration should now abide by some sort of […]

Chinese Foreign Investment: A Perspective
Please read the following editorial by my college James D. Jameson. It is hard to understate the impact that foreign investment has played in transforming China into the world’s second largest economy. While direct investment might have peaked, China is still moving toward opening its stock markets to draw in foreign capital. Policymakers in Beijing hope […]

The Legacies of Robert Mueller’s Investigations
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Some 450 days ago we were treated to melodramatic announcements from the media about the start-up of Robert Mueller’s “dream” and “all-star” team. Reporters gushed in the general hysteria of the times that Mueller would no doubt soon indict President Trump, some of his family, and almost anyone else […]

The Deflation of the Academic Brand
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Trumpism is sometimes derided as an updated know-nothingism that rejects expertise and the input of credentialed expertise. Supposedly, professionals who could now save us tragically have their talent untapped as they sit idle at the Council of Foreign Relations, the economics Department at Harvard, or in the offices of […]

08-13-2018 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: Subject: You are a racist idiot Your articles and ideas lower the IQ of this country every time they are published. The racism you employ in articles about Black Lives Matter, Crime, and pretty much anything you write is so disgusting its hard to swallow. Truly die in a hole. ————————————————————— […]

The Ancient War Between the Press and the President
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The media are furious that President Trump serially decries “fake news.” He often rants that journalists who traffic in it are “enemies of the people.” Reporters have compared Trump to mass murderers such as Stalin and Hitler because of his dislike of the press. Trump may be crude to […]

The Police Were Not Policed
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No doubt Russia must be watched for its chronic efforts to sow more chaos in American elections — despite Barack Obama’s naïve assertion in 2016 that no entity could possibly ever rig a U.S. election, given the decentralization of state voting. Lately the heads of four U.S. intelligence and […]

The Elites’ War on the Deplorables
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Recently Politico reporter Marc Caputo was angered at rude hecklers at a Trump rally who booed beleaguered CNN correspondent Jim Acosta. So Caputo tweeted of them, “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.” Politico had not employed such a crass journalist since before […]

Victor Davis Hanson on The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton on Sunday August 5, 2018
Republican lawmaker from Wisconsin seeks to prohibit members of Congress from fundraising while in session. Watch the full video here.

The American Art of Renewal
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review ‘Make America Great Again” is the oft-caricatured slogan of the Donald Trump presidency. When Trump was elected, he boasted of jump-starting the economy to achieve an annual economic growth rate of 4 percent. Experts laughed him off as a naïf who did not understand that structural changes in demography […]

Mueller’s Problem Is Not Trumpers’ Zeal — but the Perception of Inequality under the Law
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review What is disturbing about the Mueller investigation is not per se that a special counsel is looking into charges of wrongdoing known as “collusion,” but that he is indicting or leveraging suspects, amid a larger landscape of related perceived wrongdoers, who so far have not been subject to the […]

Victor Davis Hanson Reveals The Nature of History, Politics and The Left
Watch Victor Davis Hanson on a new episode of Whiskey Politics. Ep. 128 – Victor Davis Hanson joins Dave Sussman at the Whiskey Politics “Malibu Studio” where they discuss whether America is in a new civil war, illegal immigration, Mexico, NAFTA, Europe, the FBI, cronyism, the Left going Lefter, California splitting, and the increasingly overwhelming […]

The Origins of Our Second Civil War
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review How, when, and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable civil war? Almost every cultural and social institution — universities, the public schools, the NFL, the Oscars, the Tonys, the Grammys, late-night television, public restaurants, coffee shops, movies, TV, stand-up comedy — has […]

Progressive Regression
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Donald Trump has certainly changed the rules of presidential behavior, through his nonstop campaign rallies, tweets, and press conferences. What his critics call lowering the bar of presidential decorum by unfettered and often crude invective, Trump dubs the “new presidential.” His style has become a sort of “don’t-tread-on-me” combativeness. […]

07-30-18 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: Subject: NATO Maybe it’s my old age but you seem to be contradicting yourself. You explain quite correctly how useless it is and then suggest that you think strengthen it is a good idea??? Looks like trump wants to dump it knowing Germany will never pony up. Have suggested that article […]

07-27-18 Angry Reader
From An Angry Reader: Your article…about NATOs challenge is Germany, not America. Sir, With all respect but before you write any article you should learn about history. Germany did not start both World Wars. You might want to do some research before writing anything. Very sad how little people here actually know about history and […]