A Decade of Conspiracists?

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

Who has most peddled conspiracy allegations the last nine years—all of them false and nearly all of them influencing national elections and public policies?

Once a target is constructed as Hitlerian, almost any means necessary to quash that perceived existential threat become justified. And we have seen a lot of them in the last nine years.

Russian collusion did not work. Christopher Steele was a fraud. Robert Mueller came up empty.

The Alfa Bank ping caper was a myth.

The Russian laptop disinformation was a lie and ruined the reputations of the “51 former intelligence authorities” who sanctioned it.

The first Trump impeachment was a strictly partisan vote, activated when Trump lost the House and Mueller had come up empty.

Only ten Republicans impeached Trump a second time; the Senate again acquitted then-private citizen Trump.

January 6 was a buffoonish riot. In magnitude and lethality, it marked only a fraction of the destruction in lives and property of the green-lit Antifa-BLM-organized 120-day “summer of love” of rioting, violence, and arson of 2020.

The post facto militarization of Washington into an armed camp, the presence of FBI informants on Capitol grounds, the decision not to beef up security forces, the weird effort to suppress videos of the riot and congressional testimonies and evidence, the promotion and canonization of the reckless officer Byrd who lethally shot an unarmed Ashli Babbitt, and the use of solitary confinement for the arrested, long detentions without trials, and inordinately harsh prison sentences (in comparison to the nearly 14,000 arrested in 2020 who were mostly released) will remain controversial until freedom of information suits release the full story of the day’s events and aftermath.

Sixteen states, in an unprecedented move, tried in vain to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. All failed. If they had succeeded, elections as we know them would have ceased to exist.

Four prosecutorial teams, local, state, and federal, sought to bankrupt, jail, or render Trump inert during the 2023-2024 campaign cycle. All will likely fail—but risk opening a new chapter of tit-for-tat lawfare in lieu of relying on the voters to choose their own president.

The entire meme of Trump, the fascist who will institute a dictatorship, has likewise boomeranged.

Democracy is dying in darkness, given the current Democrat insider machinations of removing by diktat President Joe Biden. He won the most delegates in the Democratic “primaries”—but now apparently must be dropped either because he is behind in the polls or mentally unfit to remain a candidate or both. Stealth donors and covert politicos in the shadows—not transparent primaries and elected delegates—run the party that “defends democracy.”

But note those on the left would allow Biden to remain our president for the next six months in his debilitated state, but not to continue as their (losing) candidate. The quest for progressive power always trumps the collective interest of the nation: he’s not fit for me but fit enough for thee.

The recent assassination attempts to kill Trump likewise failed. The eerie laxity of the Secret Service and the Biden administration’s long stonewalling to prevent adequate protection for candidates Trump and Robert Kennedy, Jr., will be long examined.

No one has ever apologized for any of the above, although all were unprecedented efforts to use the courts, the administrative state, and the media to do what they feared the people might not through voting.

Earlier, a number of celebrities, columnists, and rich elites had suggested that the only way to rid the country of Trump was to kill or injure him. They are now outraged by any suggestion that their assassination porn might have influenced the unhinged to believe they could become heroic by taking out the supposed Trump threat to civilization.

But note the Trump vitriol has not diminished. And the combination of signaling to the crazies that Trump really is Hitler while the Secret Service has demonstrated it cannot protect the ex-president and leading current presidential candidate from 20-year-old boys with overt drones, range-finders, and AR-15s will only encourage other evil would-be assassins to continue where the Crooks demon left off.

In this regard, recently, the cover of The New Republic transposed an old German pro-Hitler poster to portray Donald Trump. He stares out with a Hitlerian moustache, amid a supposedly scary black background. Beneath Hitler-Trump, German archaic fraktur fonts blare out in red “American Fascism,” followed by the subtitle “What it would look like”—in turn listing left-wing professors and pundits as the issue’s essayists on Trump the fascist.

Aside from the reality that the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Director of National Intelligence were not weaponized during the Trump administration, as they were under both Obama and Biden, why should we take such essayists seriously?

For example, one contributor, Rosa Brooks, warns us about what Trump might do in a second term to warp democracy.

But this is the same legal expert who, just 11 days after Trump was inaugurated in 2017, published a Foreign Policy essay titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020.

What followed was a manual on the various ways of how to remove the just-inaugurated president—listing three alternatives to the then-distant 2020 election: impeachment and conviction, 25th-Amerndment removal, and, barring all that, a military coup:

“The fourth possibility is one that until recently, I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”

Ironically, Brooks’ paradigms are now more apt for the creepy ways in which the left just deposed President Joe Biden, winner of the Democrat primaries and nearly all the delegates.

Brooks’ 2017 essay also proved eerily prescient in retrospect, given that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley later chose to violate the chain of command and purportedly ordered theater commanders in the field to report directly to him, despite his strictly advisory role, in times of existential national crises to circumvent the commander-in-chief.

Milley also stealthily contacted his communist Chinese military counterpart to assure the head of the People’s Liberation Army that he would warn him first should Dr. Milley, on his own, diagnose his own president as unhinged and thus any supposedly dangerously warlike presidential order as invalid. Think of the Milley precedent: are the Joint Chiefs in the future to diagnose the stability of their presidents to adjudicate when they can contact their communist Chinese counterparts to warn them of their own commanders-in-chief?

Note as well that in August 2020, retired Lieutenant Colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling co-wrote an op-ed addressed to Milley, warning him that he should use the military to remove Trump, should the military, in its infinite and vast political wisdom, assume that Trump would not accept the verdict of the impending election.

Moreover, throughout 2020, some imaginative retired generals and admirals, repeatedly and with absolute impunity, clearly violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice by endlessly and publicly smearing their Commander-in-Chief as a liar, similar to Mussolini, Nazi-like, worthy of being removed “the sooner the better,” and employing policies similar to those used at Auschwitz.

Had any non-commissioned officer leveled the same invective publicly against then President Barack Obama, those same four-stars would likely have recommended his court martial.

In sum, never in the history of the republic have the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon so vastly exceeded their constitutional and legal parameters or violated the careful guardrails between civilian and military.

Finally, note that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reacted in outrage over Florida federal Judge Cannon’s dismissal of much of the special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of Donald Trump and called for her dismissal from the case:

This breathtakingly misguided ruling flies in the face of long-accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedence. It is wrong on the law and must be appealed immediately. This is further evidence that Judge Cannon cannot handle this case impartially and must be reassigned.

A federal judge is to be dropped because she disagrees with Chuck Schumer?

But if Judge Cannon is to be taken off the Trump case and reassigned because Schumer disagrees with her verdict—one which will be reexamined by various appellate judiciaries—what should we think of Schumer’s own record of judicial “activism”?

After all, in March 2020, at the head of a wild pro-abortion crowd at the doors of the Supreme Court, Senator Schumer all but threatened two Supreme Court justices by name:

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

“Hit you?”

In what sense, Senator Schumer?

His threats were later absorbed by the left as criticism against the right-wing drift of the Bush-Trump court.

And presto, by 2022-2023 mobs were appearing outside the private residences of Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Thomas—with complete impunity.

Apparently, a vindictive Attorney General, Merrick Garland (a former Supreme Court failed nominee), saw nothing wrong with such intimidation—although it is arguably a felony to parade or picket a Supreme Court Justice’s environs with the intent to influence impending rulings.

Certainly, the purpose of these pro-abortion protestors picketing justices’ homes was precisely the same as Schumer’s own earlier intimidation—to make the justices, and now their families as well, aware that there would be a “whirlwind” to follow their decisions.

Donald Trump was impeached for “inciting” a violent protest by instructing his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” demonstrate at the Capitol, which was followed by a riot. Schumer was praised for threatening justices by name.

It was perhaps no surprise that in such a climate, Nicholas Roske was later indicted on charges of attempted murder after he was arrested near Justice Kavanaugh’s home—armed and apparently on a mission to assassinate the justice, at least until he had second thoughts.

For some nine years, we have been bombarded with hysterical warnings that Donald Trump is a Hitlerian figure who is a fascist who would destroy democracy to justify calls for extremist action. Yet in his four years, he certainly did not weaponize the government against his enemies in the same fashion as in past administrations. Lois Lerner, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a host of others either lied under oath, feigned amnesia under oath, or took the Fifth Amendment any time scrutiny arose over their politicized and extra-legal behavior.

Substitute the name Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton for Trump during any of the last decade’s rhetorical and administrative venom, and we can only imagine what would have happened to the perpetrators.

So, can we at last cease the tiresome charge of Trump the fascist since it has not only been proven false but has revealed far more about the authoritarian and conspiratorial nature of the accusers than their target?


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43 thoughts on “A Decade of Conspiracists?”

  1. Russell Munves

    All true. But what bothers me about Trump’s actions was that on January 6, he failed to call out the National Guard to protect Congress from the closer danger posed by the mob breaking into the Capitol. This strikes me as an egregious violation of his oath of office. I find that very worrisome!

    1. Trump tried to provide the National Guard, but Nancy Pelosi (who was responsible for the Capitol) refused his offer. Ask her why.

  2. Terry L. Beasley

    I agree, this article is right on! Thank you for your research and fact finding efforts to tell and show the truth about USA politics. Thank you!

  3. Hannah Kirchner

    I love you, VDH, and I learn from you all the time, but I have to take issue with the death of Ashli Babbit.

    I am a Trump voter, and I saw what the law enforcement officers would have had to make sense of. I know you repeatedly say her death was unjustified.

    The protesters might have been goofy and peaceful elsewhere, but they were busting through the windows here in a show of violence. The police had to read the scene and make sense of the scene before them. Intention is shown through action. Guns were pointed at the vandals, yet they busted the windows anyway. Police on the side of the protesters were forced to retreat. The officers’ job was to protect those inside.

    I think January 6 has been overblown, especially compared to the George Floyd riots. In the end, you play stupid games and win stupid prizes. No one knew Babbitt was an unarmed female or former military (and with that said, she should have known better). She was carrying a backpack that could have been concealed anything. Babbitt was part of vandals who busted through barricaded windows leading into the chambers, and she refused to retreat from firearms pointed in their faces. The conclusion was justified.

  4. civil westman

    The well-established psychological mechanism of projection has received insufficient attention, when it comes to analyzing Democrat rhetoric and behavior. “Projection” refers to accusing others of doing what you, yourself, are already doing or intend to do. The charge that Trump is a fascist is, itself, dispositive as to the Democrat Party’s psyche.

    Fascism’s definition, like most all language in service of the left, has a new meaning. Instead of referring to an unholy alliance of corporate institutions (both for profit and non-profit) and the state, it now simply means anyone whose politics the left doesn’t like. In practice, this means any lies are justified. Thus, the deep state – as represented by all the usual corrupt 3-letter agencies, combines with Alphabet, as a class representative of Big Tech (we all know who they are), Big Banks (who de-bank those engaging in wrongspend), and most all the DIE-besotted, erstwhile profit-making large corporations, to crush all opposition. This ‘new-and-improved’ fascism is far more sophisticated than previous iterations – focused now on thought. The ever-faithful MSM blares, embellishes, amplifies and repeats nonstop – the projection that Trump is the fascist. This level of projection likely qualifies as so out-of-touch with reality to be called psychotic.

    Watch a clip of the wide-eyed, teeth-bared, spittle-covered faces of Dem/Antifa!! brown shirts in action; psych degree needed to diagnose the psychotic levels of projection.

  5. Kenneth Felton

    All too true. But VDH left out one detail. The GOPe collaborated with the dems and globalists to stage a coup that removed President Trump from office. They refused to support him in the face of unprecedented, unconstitutional, and immoral persecution. The cabal used those same tactics against Trump’s subordinates and supporters.
    As Caesar once said, be careful what precedents you set as they can be used against you. Biden supported the coup against President Trump, only to be hoisted up with his own petard.

  6. Touché, professor.
    I can only speculate that the reason they hate Trump is because they hate us, the salt and earth Americans, our lofty ideals, our economic success, and most of all, our Christian faith.

    Their methods of division and attack reveal their Marxist Leninist ideology. Destruction and revolution is their objective, pure and simple.
    In fact, these neo-Bolsheviks, have overtaken most of the levers of power in the high places.

    Now, we shall have a great opportunity to see how their destruction and revolution have exposed their hideous cacophonic lie. They will be undone by their own doing. A Greek tragedy for the American people, but divine justice in the end.

  7. Michael Campbell

    “…can we at last cease the tiresome charge of Trump the fascist…” That wish, and the desire for accountability and responsbility for any of the events listed above can be categorized under, “Piddling into the wind.”

    The Democrats and the media will never let up on their tactics no matter how patently false or destructive. As Harry Reid said, regarding his admitted false charges of Romney being a tax cheat, “It worked didn’t it?”

    1. Now that is the bottom line isn’t it?
      When People w/out Morals/Ethics/Standards/Faith want something there are no limitations or restraints to the means they will use to achieve their Communist goals.
      IT WORKED DIDN’T IT? Their rules to live by

  8. Stephen A. Hill

    Those who rule through Fear are like surfers on an alligator… one slip and they will find themselves devoured by an enraged gator.

  9. Marc Swerdloff

    Would it be wise for newly re-elected President Trump to start independent investigations of all these above mentioned violations? Must we suffer these injustices without further redress?

  10. The Democrats have been using the Hitler slander for decades:

    From the front page of the New York Times, October 25, 1948:
    Says When Bigots, Profiteers Get Control of Country They Select ‘Front Man’ to Rule DICTATORSHIP STRESSED Truman Tells Chicago Audience a Republican Victory Will Threaten U.S. Liberty
    CHICAGO, Oct. 25 — A Republican victory on election day will bring a Fascistic threat to American freedom that is even more dangerous than the perils from communism and extreme right “crackpots,” President Truman asserted here tonight. . .  “Before Hitler came to power, control over the German economy passed into the hands of a small group of rich manufacturers, bankers and landowners,” he said.”

  11. Victor, I cannot answer your question due to ongoing investigations. Sound familiar? I believe all future subpoenas from the left should be honored in kind. At least one could avoid a four month jail term. Keep up the fantastic writing. I’m learning so much.

  12. Does the street run both ways? Ought Gen C.Q. Brown, CJCS, reach out to his Chinese counterpart regarding a potential offensive US military action?

  13. Just read twice. VDH is such a great writer and as a new member I am thriving to be on board and have read his book “The end of Everything”long live this man BDH and his seemingly endlessly energy.

  14. The people mentioned in this article have committed treason against America and need to be arrested and put on trial. God Bless America–Sam Eads

  15. Victor – Thanks for the excellent review of leftist injustice.

    What is most troubling to me are the actions of Gen. Mark Milley’s subversive communications with communist China regarding the president of the United States. What is the rationalization for allowing him to do this without penalty?

    The only defense of Milley’s actions that I can imagine is that he was betraying President Trump in order to manipulate the communists into thinking that Trump was capable of doing anything that would harm them as a form of deterrence. Otherwise, Milley should have been prosecuted for being a traitor to the United States of America.

    Why has Milley not been held accountable for his betrayal?

  16. Dwight Sullivan

    Dr. Hanson,
    Very well presented! But I have to ask you, do you see any indication that the criminal mendacity of the left will let up in any way?

    – President Trump just survived their last gasp attempt to take him off the game board.

    – They have just moved to an even less defensible and less popular candidate to top their ticket.

    I would expect their political skulduggery to get worse between now and the election. After the election, their response to a Trump victory is beyond what peace-loving people are able to imagine!

    D. S., Florida

    1. I like your response with one exception; “last gasp attempt.”
      I think there will be more attempts to ruin Trump and thus ruin our constitutional republic.
      God help us all.

  17.  Another Victor Davis Hanson Home Run!  You can just about smell the Democrat Venom on the pages.  For almost ten years America has been the target of IDIOTS trying to rid society of Donald Trump.  It hasn’t worked.  He has survived stronger than ever.  Trump is right “They are coming for you but I am standing in their way.” I can’t wait for him to take the White House again and bring much needed prosperity to America and the World.  Indeed, I most strongly think that Trump is the chosen one!

    Indeed, A Great essay Professor Hanson


  18. Thank you. This is a perfect delineation of the progressive’s attacks on President Trump. It is shameful that all of these things can be true here in America.

    And it is even more shameful that half of the voters believe that the progressives are telling the truth.

    Nothing good can come from all of this. July 13 is just the beginning.


    The unelected administrative state; the “elites” who think their opinions and diktats supersede and override any Constitutional methodology available in this long-running Constitutional Republic, are trying desperately to cancel President Trump, using any means they can conjure up. If they succeed, there surely will be a bloody revolution in this country, because we, the people are sick of these lies and manipulation of the truth and we shall call these people to accountability for the damage they are causing to this great country, leading it down The Road To Serfdom. We shall never yield or bend to their Marxist ideology. We shall destroy them first.

  20. Concerned Citizen

    Spectacularly summarized.

    Accuse your opponent very loudly of exactly that which you are guilty: the dem playbook.

    Nevermind the truth. It stinks of satan’s quest for power.

  21. Dear Victor, I think you should re-visit how the latest Biden withdrawal started. Think about it. The democrats used us to bring Biden down so they did not have to deal with a duly nominated candidate for President. How? Challenge Trump to a pre-convention debate! That’s how. To add to this success they completely got the media and all of us off whats most important, the issues! I have never seen such a beautiful diabolical scheme as this. Mark number one to the democrats! I fear for our country.

    PS..notice I did not capitalize democrats!

  22. Whitehouse_Willie

    Victor should have been christened Jeremiah; he certainly is the appropriate prophet of doom for our unrepentant nation. Thomas Jefferson foresaw that God’s justice wouldn’t “slumber forever” and we are certainly hearing the trampling of the grapes of wrath right now (if you have ears to hear). My favorite commentators have scrounged for any threads of optimism over the last few months and years and mostly come up empty. I empathize, because I firmly believe the scripture saying, “God will not be mocked…”. Our desire should be for mercy and not justice.

  23. Thank you for you concise reminder of past events and where they have led. I don’t think a mystery writer could make up all of the events that have actually happened. I wonder what the left will come up next. Sadly, nothing that will improve the state of our wonderful country.

  24. Brian O'Connor


    As a footnote: following the attempt on Trump’s life, the response of MAGA and various other Trump supporters was not to riot, call for violent retribution, or personalize the blame to the point of encouraging (with plausible deniability) a marginal mind to seek revenge on his own “to save democracy.”

  25. So do you agree that if you are not talking about election integrity you are engaging in a distraction?

  26. Trump the fascist is a fantasy in the imagination of the left. But… although this label is purely projection don’t expect it to stop. After the election, assuming it is manipulated by absentee ballots, illegals voting, or other forms of cheating, expect that Trump the fascist will be used as the rationale for why the voters came to their senses and “allegedly” voted for Harris.

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