State of the European Union: God Bless the Bureaucrats

Strategika by Ralph Peters Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Image credit: Poster Collection, INT 294, Hoover Institution Archives. In the immediate wake of the Brexit vote, a normally astute talk-show host declared, gleefully, that “the European Union is dead.” One begged, and begs still, to differ. The EU is a bureaucratic monster that interferes absurdly with “the […]

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U.S. Foreign Policy and the Transatlantic Relationship

Strategika by Erik Jones Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Image credit: Poster Collection, INT 280, Hoover Institution Archives. As candidate, Donald Trump made a number of comments about the utility of the North Atlantic Alliance and about the virtues of European integration that left many in the establishment scratching their heads. When he was elected President of

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Can a Divided America Survive?

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review  History has not been very kind to countries that enter a state of multicultural chaos. The United States is currently the world’s oldest democracy. But America is no more immune from collapse than were some of history’s most stable and impressive consensual governments. Fifth-century Athens, Republican Rome, Renaissance Florence

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Mr. Nunes Went to Washington

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review Devin Nunes is subpoenaing former Obama administration officials who may have played a role in inappropriate monitoring of the Trump transition team. Representative Devin Nunes (R., Calif.), the now-controversial chair of the House Intelligence Committee, is a bit different from what Washington expects in its politicians. He grew up

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Remembering D-Day

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review’s “The Corner” D-Day was the largest amphibious invasion in history since King Xerxes’ 480 BC combined sea and land descent into Greece. The Americans, especially General George Marshall, had wanted to invade France as early as spring 1943, still confident from their World War I experience that they could

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It’s the Hypocrisy, Stupid

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Progressives go the full Jimmy Swaggart. Some concerned Democrats are worried that their party may have lost the key blue-wall states because of its elitism, manifested as disdain for Americans between the coasts. Perhaps emblematic of their worry is the strange metamorphosis of Hillary Clinton’s two presidential campaigns. In

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VDH Ultra

06/06/17 From an Angry Reader: Dear Mr Hanson I am an independent who voted for John McCain as a write in  Your op ed entitled Regime Change by Any Other Name is disappointing.  POTUS has been involved in more demonstrable falsehoods than any President since Nixon  He undermines the warnings that President Regan gave us

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VDH Ultra

06/05/17 From an Angry Reader: From: Goofomatic  Dear Sir,  You may be a “classicist” and historian but you are clearly not a logician. Your reductive, simplistic polarizing nonsense may appeal to those disaffected and disenchanted by change but to others, like me, it reeks of divisive, defeatist drivel. Globalization is merely the hobgoblin you need

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