The Progressive Boomerang

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   Not only have progressives failed to take down the president, but they also haven’t offered an alternative agenda.   The progressive strategy of investigating President Donald Trump nonstop for Russian collusion or obstruction of justice or witness tampering so far has produced no substantial evidence of wrongdoing.  

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Trump’s Morning Joe Tweets

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review‘s The Corner: The one and only. Just when the media take-out of Trump has backfired and exposed an endemic absence of journalistic ethics and chronic malpractice, Trump goes on another crass and extraneous Twitter attack against the increasing irrelevant MSNBC morning hosts (who have in turn often unprofessionally attacked

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The Islamist Minotaur

By Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas According to Greek myth, the Athenian hero Theseus sailed to Crete to stop the tribute of seven Athenian men and seven women sent every nine years to the distant carnivorous Minotaur in his haunt within the labyrinth beneath the palace of Knossos on Crete. In various versions of the

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VDH Ultra

From A Not So Angry Reader: Dr. Hanson: I am a frequent listener to the Classicist. After listening to the episode “A Cold Civil War?” I had a few questions. I do not intend this to be inflammatory, I simply do not want to make assumptions about your beliefs. First, do you believe that approximately three million

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VDH Ultra

From an Angry Reader: Dr. Hanson, Years ago, especially right after 9 / 11, I enjoyed your essays on NRO. One piece I especially liked was your column, in late 2001, titled (if memory serves), “I’m Glad We’re Not Fighting Us.” Pardon my brusqueness, but what the hell has happened to you? You’ve turned into

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Trump and His Generals

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review Trump’s reliance on his generals shows that he values merit over politics. Donald Trump earned respect from the Washington establishment for appointing three of the nation’s most accomplished generals to direct his national-security policy: James Mattis (secretary of defense), H. R. McMaster (national-security adviser), and John Kelly (secretary of

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Europe Is Still Ailing

Strategika by Bruce Thornton Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Image credit: Poster Collection, GE 2678, Hoover Institution Archives. Recent elections in France, the Netherlands, and Austria, in which Eurosceptic populist and patriotic parties did poorly in national elections, suggest to some that the EU is still strong despite Britain’s vote to leave the union. Yet the problems

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