Mr. Obama’s Nowhere Discussions

Obama needs to stop talking and start making hard policy decisions by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Barack Obama has a marvelous way of sounding innovative, fresh, and novel while offering stale, predictable bromides. His policies at home are an extension of LBJ’s old Great Society. Share This

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Thoughts on Allies Gone By

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Whatever the protestations of the Obama administration, many in both Britain and Israel feel that 2009-10 marked a watershed, the beginning of an era in which America was no longer a special friend to either — whether gauged by serial symbolic snubs or real policy differences on things like

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Obama’s Khrushchev? How Sick is That?

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Roger Cohen wrote in the New York Times of Obama’s putdown of Netanyahu: “The former Soviet leader [Khrushchev] thought he could browbeat Kennedy only to discover, in Vienna, that the Kennedy charm was not unalloyed to steel (‘It will be a long, cold winter’). Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to

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