War–What War?
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan headed to Martha’s Vineyard this week, where President Obama is vacationing. Once again she is protesting our two wars abroad. Share This
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan headed to Martha’s Vineyard this week, where President Obama is vacationing. Once again she is protesting our two wars abroad. Share This
by Victor Davis Hanson Forbes Magazine By now almost everyone has weighed in on the legacy of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who passed away this week after a year-long struggle with a cancerous brain tumor. Share This
‘Senator High and Mighty’ Read More »
Forget the recession and the “uninsured.” Obama has bigger fish to fry. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The first seven months of the Obama administration seemingly make no sense. Why squander public approval by running up astronomical deficits in a time of pre-existing staggering national debt? Share This
Obama and ‘Redistributive Change’ Read More »
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Actions often have unforeseen consequences. Throughout the campaign and the first few months of the new administration, Barack Obama adopted a number of personas and positions that only now may be coming back to haunt him. Share This
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Liberal columnists decrying the Obama administration’s supposed lack of partisan fortitude and eagerness for a nasty fight for healthcare seem oddly detached from reality. Share This
‘The Fault Is Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves’ Read More »
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services In Greek mythology, even Olympian gods and heroes were subject to a higher divine power known loosely as “fate” — an allotted moira, or destiny, that could not be changed even by thunderbolt-throwing Zeus. Share This
Divine Debt Trumps All Read More »
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The Race Card Gets Trumped I think almost everyone expected that once President Obama embarked on a highly partisan agenda at a time of record deficits in the midst of a recession, he was going to meet resistance. Share This
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Obama Meltdown — Symptoms/Diagnosis/Prognosis Strange things are happening to the Obama administration and quickly so. His polls are diving and may not stop at 50/50, the most precipitous drop in approval of a first-year President since Bill Clinton in 1993 (cf. Hillary care). Share This
The Strange Case of the Obama Meltdown Read More »
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner ‘North Korea made a colossal mistake’ One of the stranger aspects of being overseas is following the upside-down logic of the International Herald Tribune, which around January mysteriously morphed from a shrill critic of the U.S. government to its official mouthpiece. Share This
Who’s in Charge if Diplomacy? Read More »
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner What is weird about the liberal hysteria to the obstreperous (and occasionally rude) town meetings is the complete amnesia about what constitutes reckless public discourse. Share This
On Dishing it Out . . . Read More »