The Resignations in Turkey

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

News that the top echelon of Turkey’s military offered their joint resignations is not much of a surprise, given ongoing politicized trials against particular officers, and the general acceptance that a secular military is at odds with an increasingly Islamicized government. But there will be lots of long-term ramifications. Continue reading “The Resignations in Turkey”

Corrupt Language Breeds Bad History and Bad Policy

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

As the history of communism and fascism both illustrate, modern political tyranny has relied on fabricated history to legitimize its claims and actions, and such history in turn relies on the debasement of language. Continue reading “Corrupt Language Breeds Bad History and Bad Policy”

Foreign Policy Charity Should Start at Home

Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The outbreak of protests and rebellion throughout the Middle East have quickly generated an orthodox narrative: When people suffering under brutal autocrats and dictators have finally risen up to satisfy the innate human longing for freedom and democracy, we should support these aspirations on moral grounds. Continue reading “Foreign Policy Charity Should Start at Home”

Bewitched Animals and the Muslims Media

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

Conspiracy theories emanating from the Muslim world are nothing new — a decade ago, Israel was accused of perpetrating the strikes of 9/11, today it is accused of perpetrating the bombings of a Coptic church — they tend to be dismissed in the West. Continue reading “Bewitched Animals and the Muslims Media”