Join the Friday news roundup with Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc: Zelensky goes to Pennsylvania, Biden-Harris interviews run amok, the Al Smith Roast thwarted, Trump endorsed by Muslim mayor, the Routh Manifesto, Janet Jackson say Harris’ father is white, and the Secret Service report on Butler, PA.
We have the most corrupt government in the world,been this way for a long time! We have never put a democracy in power let alone a republic (except Japan and Germany).
Biden,Harris,Zelensky and Sharma are starting ww3 make no mistake!!
Our government has to always have a boggy man to blame (Putin) for instance.
The people in our government are extremely stupid and arrogant!
Russia is much more powerful than these fools think!
The end of everything is within grasp unfortunately!!
The Rap music industry gets a pass, “ya think.”
I’ve always said, if the n-word was not used in Rap music, it would have disappeared.
So many derogatory words have disappeared in America.
If you want me to reel off a litany of the racist comments and words that were developed, and thus normalized into the American vocabulary by the time I was growing up, hold on to your hat.
I am quite sure most people under 45 years old would not be familiar with any of them.
Why? Because, thankfully these words stopped being said, and eventually disappeared.
If the Rap music industry, from its inception, never used the n-word, I believe it too would have disappeared.
It is the Rap music industry, by allowing the usage of the n-word by there artists, that unfortunately, has kept the n- word alive.
Rap music has kept the n word alive in American Society.
Mr. Victor, I haven’t listened to one of your podcasts in a long time — in many months.
My view of the American government has completely changed after watching a short youtube video on the history of Cambodia and Pol Pot. The evil that took place there was horrifying. There were so many factions — the invaders: France, demonic Japan, Vietnam, the civil war: murderous Pol Pot, the monarch dictator, and the democratic party. Yet, the American government wielded its power and added to the suffering by trying and failing to install its puppet government at the height of all the chaos.
Is there anything the American government won’t do to spread its influence? If the US government is the sum total of all its leaders and institutions, and judged by what it had blatantly done to its political opponents, its citizens and its country in the past 8 years, a fair minded person might conclude it’s not any better than Putin or Xi’s governments.
I’ve been tuning to Tucker’s interviews and Candace Owen. Their explanations and insights are far more satisfying and I think closer to the truth than what you had pontificated.
The minute I stopped believing that the American government is “good”, everything started to make sense.
Are these democrat tactics enough to tip the election or enhance physical attacks on former President Trump?
The democrats are upping the ante for post election violence or attacks against Trump.
Hello Victor and Sami,
Love the show and all the logical insight provided by your observations of current events and news stories along with historical context and perspectives.
One slight correction on this episode. Hamtramck is located in Michigan (not Minnesota). It is a city within the city of Detroit and is pronounced ham-tram-ick. It has always been a city of immigrants, primarily from Poland and eastern Europe. In the last 25 years or so the immigrant community has transitioned primarily to Yemeni, Bangladeshi and Pakistani residents.
Keep up the good work.