In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc discuss the impact of WWI on the West, the recent attacks on Tesla, the failed leadership of the Left, suggestions of Justice Roberts, Baltic states and Poland pull out of ban on landmines, and the JFK files.
I may joke as I did above, but as VDH suggests, sadly, “We’re gonna see a lot more violence…” I’ve no doubt about it. The left is still warming up.
Being politically outnumbered in the Bay Area my entire life, and I am 63, I cannot count the number of times at gatherings and parties I’ve oveheard lefties quip about conservatives, “Why can’t we just poison their Velveeta…” or “I’m waiting for the next tornado to wipe out a trailer park..”
And those are mild examples. The only time I ever sported a bumper-sticker was for “Bush ’04.” After a lunchtime walk, I returned to find my parked vehicle covered in spraypaint, with the bumper-sticker completely painted out. Sadly, it was a new vehicle recently replaced after an illegal-alien caused accident.
These people are unhinged. Four decades of media flattery that they are smarter, kinder, more moral, better fit, better looking, etc. etc., has them believing their own publicity. They are a million Madame DeFarges on steroids knitting little pink “p—y” hats waiting for revenge.
VDH says abiout the French revolutionary Jacobins: “19,000 people were executed… the guillotine… 6,000 people of the clergy were murdered…they renamed the days of the week, the month…the week from 7 to 10 days… worshipped the supreme being…”
Yeah, and they created the Metric System at the same time — yet another reason to stick with the English Imperial system of measurements.