Why I Read the New York Times

by Bruce S. Thornton


I get a lot of ragging from my fellow conservatives for reading The New York Times every day. But as I tell them, you have to know how the other side thinks. Continue reading “Why I Read the New York Times”

Appeasing Jihadists

A policy of guilt and flattery will not temper terrorists.

by Bruce S. Thornton

Defining Ideas

In 1937, the London Times editor Geoffrey Dawson wrote to his correspondent in Geneva, “I do my best, night after night, to keep out of the paper anything that might hurt [German] susceptibilities . . . . I have always been convinced that the peace of the world depends more than anything else upon our getting into reasonable relations with Germany.” Continue reading “Appeasing Jihadists”

Back to the Pre-American World

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Is America’s preeminent world role over?

That’s what a recent New Yorker essay, based on interviews with presidential advisers, claimed. It characterized the new Obama foreign-relations style as “leading from behind” — given the supposed inevitable American decline and growing unpopularity. Continue reading “Back to the Pre-American World”

The World Turned Upside Down–Again

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Every once in a while, the world is turned upside down in just a few years, whether by ideological ferment or force of arms. Continue reading “The World Turned Upside Down–Again”

Put Up or Shut Up: Obama’s Foreign Policy Crossroads

by Victor Davis Hanson


I don’t often agree with Pat Buchanan and am an occasional target of his magazine, but his ideas (which Peter highlighted in an earlier post on Ricochet) are at least always provocative and he is right that we need a debate on what we can afford and what not, and why we do the things we do abroad. Continue reading “Put Up or Shut Up: Obama’s Foreign Policy Crossroads”