Iraq a Convenient Scapegoat

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Bring up Iraq — and expect to end up in an argument. Conservatives are no different from liberals in rehashing the unpopular war, which has become a sort of whipping boy for all our subsequent problems. Continue reading “Iraq a Convenient Scapegoat”

Iraq–Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

I. The Case for Invasion


The Bush administration built a broad domestic coalition and an adequate foreign alliance (more inclusive than the UN-sanctioned effort against North Korea in 1950). Continue reading “Iraq–Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery”

The Pathology of Double Standards

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

The surreal moral idiocy that characterizes hatred of Israel is illustrated daily by states whose actions are shrugged away by the international media. Continue reading “The Pathology of Double Standards”