The War against Real but Forgotten Evil

by Terry Scambray

Private Papers

A review of Moral Combat: Good and Evil in World War II, by Michael Burleigh (Harper Collins, 2011, 562 pp.) Continue reading “The War against Real but Forgotten Evil”

The World Turned Upside Down–Again

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Every once in a while, the world is turned upside down in just a few years, whether by ideological ferment or force of arms. Continue reading “The World Turned Upside Down–Again”

OK, Let’s Decline

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

“Leading From Behind”

A recent report in The New Yorker suggested that the Obama’s administration’s weird sort of/sort of not foreign policy is now gleefully self-described as “leading from behind.” Continue reading “OK, Let’s Decline”

Of Hawks and Flies

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

The international order — comprising the United Nations, interstate diplomacy, organizations like NATO, and all the other transnational institutions that are supposed to keep the global peace and deter aggression — reminds me of the Spanish proverb about laws: they catch flies and let the hawk go free. Continue reading “Of Hawks and Flies”

Our Schizoid Foreign Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Are we stupid abroad by accident or design?

In the manner of a doctor, let us review the symptoms of our present foreign policy and then offer a diagnosis: Continue reading “Our Schizoid Foreign Policy”

Decline Is in the Mind

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

It’s Over? Really?

In the last two years, we have a heard a constant litany of “decline,” as in America is over as it once was. Fifth-century AD Rome is often evoked, as are the contemporary economic miracles in China and India to “prove” inevitable American waning. Continue reading “Decline Is in the Mind”

Obama’s 1979

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Obama’s deer-in-the-headlights, finger-to-the-wind, “I can’t believe this is happening to me” initial reaction to the Mubarak implosion has eerie precedents. Continue reading “Obama’s 1979”

Why America Must Defend South Korea

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Cold War is over.  Why on earth should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? George Washington warned us about this kind of entanglement. Why should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? (Ricochet member Kenneth) Continue reading “Why America Must Defend South Korea”

The American 21st Century

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The current debt, recession, wars, and political infighting have depressed Americans into thinking their country soon will be overtaken by more vigorous rivals abroad. Yet this is an American fear as old as it is improbable. Continue reading “The American 21st Century”