A Novel VDH

Reliving the fall of Sparta: An interview.

by Katheryn Jean Lopez

National Review Online

Victor Davis Hanson, known as VDH to his fans, has a new book out. This time, it’s a novel, The End of Sparta. He talked with National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez about the Greeks and the novel. Continue reading “A Novel VDH”

‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Obama Mythologos

Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had much basis in fact — a fact now increasingly clear as hype gives way to reality. Continue reading “‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’”

A Vandalized Valley

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

I am starting to feel as if I am living in a Vandal state, perhaps on the frontier near Carthage around AD 530, or in a beleaguered Rome in 455. Here are some updates from the rural area surrounding my farm, taken from about a 30-mile radius. In this take, I am not so much interested in chronicling the flotsam and jetsam as in fathoming whether there is some ideology that drives it. Continue reading “A Vandalized Valley”

Obama’s Christmas Gift to Iran

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

As the last American troops roll south to Kuwait, the end of the war in Iraq invites unsettling comparisons to another war America declared over before losing its nerve and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Continue reading “Obama’s Christmas Gift to Iran”

The Hundred Years’ German War

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

The rise of a German Europe began in 1914, failed twice, and has now ended in the victory of German power almost a century later. The Europe that Kaiser Wilhelm lost in 1918, and that Adolf Hitler destroyed in 1945, has at last been won by German Chancellor Angela Merkel without firing a shot. Continue reading “The Hundred Years’ German War”

Newt Challenges the Myth of Palestinian Nationalism

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Newt Gingrich touched off a mini-firestorm when he told a Jewish television channel that the Palestinians are an “invented” people “who are in fact Arabs,” and “who were historically part of the Arab community.” Continue reading “Newt Challenges the Myth of Palestinian Nationalism”

Pearl Harbor Considered

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

Why did Japan attack us 70 years ago today, other than the usually cited existential reasons and the fact that they thought they could and get away with it? Continue reading “Pearl Harbor Considered”

Illegal Immigration Is Immoral

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Illegal immigration has been in the news daily during the Republican primary campaign, even though a depressed economy here, stronger border enforcement, and vast new finds of petroleum in Latin America may soon radically curtail the number of illegal entrants into the United States. Continue reading “Illegal Immigration Is Immoral”

Collective Punishment: “Wherever You Can Reach Them”

by Raymond Ibrahim

Hudson New York

During a recent altercation in Egypt, a Christian inadvertently killed a Muslim. This incident, according to an AINA report, “turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village.” Continue reading “Collective Punishment: “Wherever You Can Reach Them””

Oil-Rich America?

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

There is a revolution going on in America. But it is not part of the Tea Party or the loud Occupy Wall Street protests. Continue reading “Oil-Rich America?”