Victor Speaks With H. R. McMaster

In this special episode of the Victor Davis Hanson Show, Victor Davis Hanson is joined by his esteemed colleague, Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, to discuss McMaster’s new book, “At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House.” The conversation delves into the complexities of serving as National Security Advisor under President Trump, the challenges faced, and the significant policy decisions made during that time. From the intricacies of U.S. foreign policy to the internal dynamics of the Trump administration, this episode offers a candid and insightful look at McMaster’s tenure and the broader implications for American national security.

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27 thoughts on “Victor Speaks With H. R. McMaster”

  1. Wow, Chris. You literally know nothing about HR and his accomplishments. Start with the Battle of 73 Easting and then look up TalAfar. Your remark about never reaching for his pistol during combat is the most clueless thing anyone could say about HR. The man literally took on an entire Iraqi armored brigade as the lead tank commander of Eagle Troop and destroyed 28 Iraqi tanks, 16 personnel carriers and 30 trucks in 23 minutes with no American losses – he personally fired the first shots taking out three tanks in the first 10 seconds. He was blown up in Iraqi Freedom. He had a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart. What do you have?

  2. Andres Gonzalez

    Although he seems like a good guy, his idea of ​​progressiveness in the army makes me doubt his inner self.
    Perhaps I could understand the idea that “orders are carried out and not discussed” but no one can force me to shoot myself, or use me so that my men die in an action with no options, because some crazy general wants it.

  3. Germaine Rysdahl

    Since Victor read McMaster’s book twice , I figured I’d listen to the audio while I got work done. It was fascinating to vicariously “live” in the White House . There were times I thought HRM was full of himself, and I didn’t like him referring to the president as cranky. The book made me appreciate Trump even more when I listened to HRM talk about his deep emotion when children were harmed. The greatest frustration I had with the book was HRM’s ignorance about January 6th. Only those who were listening and watching the news that day understand that the police ushered the people into the capitol, that there were plenty of Trump-haters causing all the real trouble, and that only one person died that day – Ashli Babbitt, by a capitol police officer. It is shameful that McMaster was unaware of this truth; looking at the right research, rather than left-wing falsehoods, would have given his book credence. Because of this blatant failure at the discovering the truth, I cannot feel good about the time I spent listening to his book.

  4. HR is a high level guy that went to Prep schools, West Point, graduate schools and taught. It’s understandable that he has a deep state perspective. He has a couple tours but most likely never pulled his rifle or pistol out.

    When you speak with the enlisted you hear the same thing about Generals, they are politicians that are out of touch with what really goes on at the nuts and bolts level of fighting wars.

    It’s totally understandable that HR despises Trump because it goes against his elitist life.

    1. Not all generals definitely, as a former enlistee.

      However, the recent gaggle of people nominated and approved for general officer status and the accompanying perks certainly had an unprecedented percentage of low lives who insisted on the UCMJ for others while openly, proudly dissing their own superior. They are neither UCMJ law respecting general officers nor warriors. May God help us in a serious fight with Xi’s generals. They are not washed gentlemen.

  5. McMaster seditiously insults citizens who pay taxes and his fat, undeserved muti-starred general officer pension. IF we can get a decent AG in January of 2025 and can get around the 5-year Statute of Limitation, the UCMJ should be brought to bear on these self-serving, self-important, credentialed, political thugs. It’s been too long since one has been made to ‘walk the plank’.

  6. Victor, why the hell are you giving this pompous buffoon, and a traitor by definition, a platform? To sell his traitorous drivel, no less? Disgusting. In a sane America he would have his insignia ripped from his uniform on live TV right before a long drop with a short stop. And here I was waiting for Hanson to condemn McMaster as the bloviating clown he is, but instead an endorsement and sales pitch. Truly disappointing. McMaster should be as far from influence as possible. Shame.

  7. Excellent interview with Lieutenant General H.R.McMaster – just ordered my Kindle copy – look forward to reading it over Labor Day weekend!🇺🇸

      1. Well, Victor, even you can’t bat a 1,000 all the time. Hey, it’s understandable. HRM is your colleague, you work in close proximity, and he’s probably a good guy personally. Obama did serious damage to our military (part of the plan). Everything the ‘O’Biden’ admin. has done has been a diversion so the deep state can complete the plan. What will our military do if ordered to implement marshall law before the election?!

  8. Were there actual, true justice in America, several of these general officers “purported” to have worked “for” Trump in the WH, would have their grotesque, fat pensions reduced for not following the UCMJ. Only retired, former general officers with principles should be supported. Such are few and far between. They mostly occupy and support a bloated taxpayer financed bureaucracy.

    A close friend, BP, Navy Seal, now passed, in the Seals’ original second group, was threatened with life in the brig by one of these if he were ever to even mention having found one night a Boeing 707 filled with drugs on a hidden runway in the jungle of Laos destined for Mena Arkansas. Just before passing in 2012, he gave his fascinating accounting of his team’s night discovery to two close friends.

    1. McMaster is a traitor by definition. So is Milley. I assume this interview was to stay in the good graces of the insipid and insidious MIC.

  9. McMaster a coward traitor. Insulting Trump now only promotes Kamala the disaster. McMaster can rot in his selfish hell.

  10. I completely disagree with the General regarding the military not being woke. Forcing the vaccine on those young people is unforgivable and people should be charged, convicted and in jail for that. Also how does he explain drag queen shows on bases? While he sounds like a good guy, his comment on woke in the military makes me doubt his conservative authenticity.

    1. Yes, HR is out of touch. Talk to any active duty enlisted and they’ll confirm that the leadership is woke. General Powell was a D student at city college and he was admitted into a prestigious University for graduate school and graduated and went up through the ranks, many say because he was a good politician others say not because of merit, just like Georgetown admissions. It’s sad, because HR is obviously a privileged kid that went to private schools and the academy and mostly an instructor who worked the system to climb his way to the top and then pretend that he’s a reformer because he wrote a couple books criticizing the Vietnam military strategy after the fact and now goes after Trump because he thinks he’s the expert but our so-called experts keep getting us in wars with negative returns and bloated and corrupt bureaucracies that he participated in and benefited from for decades. It’s time for fresh perspectives and different approaches as what we’re doing and have done since Vietnam has been failures and HR has his fingerprints on almost all of the recent ones.

    2. Absolutely correct. McMaster is a publicity- and riches seeking egoist. There is now a binary political choice: Trump or leftist descent. McMaster like the WSJ and Karl Rove have decided their selfish interests justify anti Trump advocacy. McMaster is a small man.

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