VDH on the Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly is joined by the Hoover Institution’s Victor Davis Hanson to talk about John Kerry’s tone-deaf focus on green activism, Biden’s misguided push for green energy and how it empowers Putin, the morality and religion of green activism, elite snobbery on inflation and gas prices, how civilizations survive, America’s obsession with race.

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5 thoughts on “VDH on the Megyn Kelly Show”

  1. Ms. Wilson, does Kelly’s bicoastal balconette-ing of the cleavage between conservatives and the mainstream media lead your menfolk astray too? My mommy says she knows where Fox gets all its anchors from… 😉

  2. Toni Criscuolo

    I think that Victor should do another program about the OKIES and the Oklahoma Diaspora of the Dust Bowl and the GReat Depression. People want to see what suffering is?? Look to our own American brothers and sisters who were forced off the land and into a nomadic migrant worker horror show of a life right in our own back yard. Most folks know very little about this or anything else about America’s story

  3. William Clingempeel

    Thank you Ms. Kelly and Dr. Hanson.

    The thing I find so infuriating about this situationally-unaware, cognitively disabled, distrait and oblivious President, and his authoritative, closed-discussion administration is, most Americans DO NOT support the overly-aggressive environmental policies Biden’s Socialist elitists are promoting and pursuing. And it’s not because Americans are reticent about securing a clean environment for the future. Everyone wants clean energy – regardless of political affiliation.

    What Americans want is a calculated, reasoned, responsible, well-planned and engineered, multi-decade, incremental transition plan that makes sense. One that does not create massive debt or bankrupt our economy; does not empty the pocketbooks of American citizens via reckless and inflationary implementations; makes use of a multi-resource combined approach without eliminating a complete energy sector; does not limit the National elements of power at our disposal, create energy dependence, or place our National Security at risk.

    It seems this group of ecological temple-dogs feels the American People gave up their right to representative government and their expectation for the things mentioned above when they voted the Biden into office. And therefore, even though these ridiculous policies are hurting all Americans and putting our country at huge risk abroad, it doesn’t matter. What matters is a rapid transition to renewable energy at all costs…hell be damned!

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