Trump’s Plans and Taking Sides: Techies, Technology, and Neo-Democrats

This episode has Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler at their best on Trump’s speech on policy to strengthen the US, the truth about the trouble and expense of illegal immigration, who says the economy will be better under Harris, Amazon’s Alexa is on Harris’ side, our Silicon Valley censors, and the faux unity message of Democrats.

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2 thoughts on “Trump's Plans and Taking Sides: Techies, Technology, and Neo-Democrats”


    Darryl Cooper is a crank, as far as history goes. He sounds like every apologist for the Nazis that has come and gone since May 9, 1945. I don’t think any serious student of World War II history can take him seriously. That’s a big reason that he’s not published and only releases podcasts.
    The sad thing is that teaching history as atrophied to the point that the average person knows nothing about the war, or about Germany under the Nazis, so that he’ll listen to Cooper without skepticism.
    Also, I don’t fault Carlson for having him on his show. It’s not his fault that people are ignorant of the topics, and are not used to thinking skeptically about a subject.

  2. Silicon Valley’s leftwing contempt is insidious. That’s why even further-left San Francisco wackos refer to the political power of the tecchies among them as “The Nerd Reich.”

    If you want a clear picture of the anti-MAGA totalitarianism that dances in a techno-intellectual’s head, do a search on “jackson kiernon 2019 controversy.” The Berkeley professor laid out his brutal plans for rural America in online statements that caused VDH to harshly comment at the time.

    At 62, I’ve lived my entire life in the Fremont CA area. Being older, white, and as someone who drives a beat-up truck and dresses plainly, I am treated poorly in stores and public spaces by tecchies of all races. My even older parents are often treated worse by hurried techno-types fingering their phones who are impatient with the slow, frail and elderly.

    “Somebody is going to do something stupid… when nobody is running the United States government… some soft-spot somewhere…” Yeah, probably within the U.S. itself.

    “There’s something wrong with this country… We’re going to mainstrem anti-semitism…” Indeed, Palestinian immigrants and lefty collegiates openly persecute Jews, yet Democrats excoriate “deplorable” whites who’ve never set foot on a campus and whose trailer park meemaws send their pin money to Israel via their pastors.

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