Trump Wades and Weighs In

Join the Friday news roundup with Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc: Trump interviewed at the National Association of Black Journalists, Judge Merchan’s daughter brings in the money, assassination investigation reveals much, Trump meets Netanyahu, and campaign rhetoric.

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14 thoughts on “Trump Wades and Weighs In”

  1. Isn’t it clear that the “GOV” is what Americans fought against in foreign wars?
    This has been going on since Roosevelt (and longer than that), it’s not the first time Government has murdered citizens.

  2. Wow, for the first time I disagree with victor hanson. I thought his interview in the hostile territory concerning race issues recently was fantastic. He turned the question around on the examiner and made her find what DEI is. He made the hostile environment into his environment. People who were against him into fans who were laughing at his jokes. The first time I see something completely different from the way, Dr. Hansen did. I would think about this one again Victor.

  3. Rose-Marie Yull

    Send this to Trump & RNC please I’m so worried. Stop the name calling. Dems know how to bait him and he falls for it.
    Focus on policies.


      I subscribe to the Blade of Perseus, and I still have the commercial breaks.
      However, listening here in the website, the player does provide a feature to skip the commerical, which I do.

  4. August 2 podcast and commentary regarding Black Journalists’ interview were totally on target . . .
    VDH’s suggestions for Trump’s response to Dem
    attacks sound very appropriate.

    I wish VDH could advise DJT on the approach he should adopt against the new candidate, Harris.

    Thank you !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. Is there any possibility the Dems could replace Kamala at the convention if her polling starts to tank? I’m wondering if it’s wise to not go after her record that aggressively until she is in fact locked in as their candidate?


    Worship of experts is a core progressive value, Victor. It underlies their idea of government. We’re too stupid to be allowed to make our own decisions. So a government must be made up of agencies of experts, who know so much more than us sub-Omegaloids.
    The idea was implemented broadly under Wilson, himself an expert and so much smarter than we are. It’s been applied with increasing intensity under every Democrat since, and it’s become part of our culture. So many people now unquestioningly take what any so-called expert says as Gospel truth.
    The flaw in this belief is that knowledge is not wisdom. Someone may know a lot of facts, but that doesn’t make him wise. And a wise man might consider the knowledge an expert has, but he’ll not blindly do whatever an expert says, without that reflection.

  7. Both Trump and Vance keep saying Democrats are trying to turn Biden and Harris into Abraham Lincoln. Trump says Lawfare has never happened before. Actually, Abraham imprisoned thousands of his political ritics without trial and whend the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court tried to put a stop to it Lincoln threatened to arrest him.

  8. Really enjoyed today’s show!
    Please give Pres Trump some pointers on your extraordinary articulation skills. New Yorkers don’t place such emphasis on this but it will be crucial for the remainder of the election!!! How things are said seem to matter these days more than the intent!!!!

  9. VDH is the smartest man. Can you please talk to President Trump and tell him things you said in American Greatness today, 8/5?

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