Tocqueville’s Appraisal and Harris’ Speech

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson with cohost Sami Winc discusses the “New Way Forward” message, Oprah’s sense of “unfairness,” Democrats and abortion, Trump at the border, and Harris’ speech to the DNC. Don’t miss the middle segment where VDH explores the works of Alexis de Tocqueville and his admiration of American democracy.

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8 thoughts on “Tocqueville's Appraisal and Harris' Speech”

    1. Thank you for this very worthwhile, sobering video to watch. But I thought it was going to make a historical reference to Harris’s “Joy! Joy! Joy!” slogan. It did not.

  1. Charles Carroll

    The Palestine flag itself is an indication of the fact that the Palestinians are a newly-minted ethnicity — invented, in fact, by the KGB and Yasir Arafat in the 1960s to be a weapon against Israel. Before it was the flag of Palestine, the flag was the banner of the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, which was established in 1916 and absorbed into Saudi Arabia in 1925. In 1924, it also became the flag of the Sharifian Caliphate, which occupied much the same territory as the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz in what is now Western Saudi Arabia and lasted until 1931.
    The Hejaz is in Arabia — not “Palestine.” The designer of the flag was not a Palestinian, as there were no Palestinians as such in those days, but an English Colonel named Mark Sykes.
    What is known today as the flag of Palestine was never actually the flag of Palestine at all. The name “Palestine” historically refers to a region that was so named by the Romans after the expelled the Jews in 134AD. The Romans took this name from that of the Philistines, the Israelites’ Biblical enemies, who had long since died out. {Note: absorbed into the Babylonian peoples around 650 BC). But Palestine for the Romans (and everyone else) was just the name of a region, not of a people, and it had no flag.
    Nor do we see this people or its flag throughout history. There was never an independent Palestinian state, and Arabs in the area never flew this flag. A 1939 world atlas shows a flag of Palestine, that is, British Mandate Palestine . The Briti

  2. A short note from Norway on this podcast.

    There is wealth tax in Norway, but no inheritance tax at present. The net wealth for a person comprises amongst other the present value of shares owned both in Norwegian and foreign companies. For quite a number of smaller businesses owned privately, this is challenging as they may have to take divdend from the business to pay their wealth tax. The dividend itself is also taxed, and all shareholders have to be treated equally.

    Foreign shareholders do not pay wealth tax for what they own in Norway, so they seem to be given a preferential treatment.

    Subsequently there has recently become quite a number of Norwegian ‘tax refugees’ in Switzerland, That is they bring their wealth out of Norway. Our present left of center government want to keep the wealth tax as it is, and is reported to work on ways to be able to tax the wealth before it leaves the country.

    It is said that 62 percent of BNP in Norway is used for public spending.

    I think K Harris could find a lot of inspiration over here, although I understand her interest for Europe up to now has been limited.

    Kind regards

  3. Same old, same old.

    Your friend is trying to profit off of Trump – “At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House”

    What a loser.


    At least your title sounds better.

  4. Victor – I was once asked by a first grader if women are females. I said, “Yes, only women can bear children. Only women produce eggs. Men cannot bear children.” This made sense to the little boy, and after saying “Oh,” he ran off to play.

    God has made human beings male and female. Each sex has its role in reproduction. Men do not bear children, but they are able to discern right from wrong and help establish laws that protect the lives of innocent human beings. Men do have a say on the moral and legal issue of abortion.

  5. Dr Hanson here is basically the DNC Platform Plan. The progressive left regardless of party are telling us exactly what they want to do. Why do people not believe the clearly stated goals of those like Hamas, Islamic Radicalism, Nazi(National Socialist) etc? Covid was a test of how pliable Americans have become to media and “government experts”. I am amazed at how many people seem to clueless.

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