Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness
The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history.
Here are ten unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world:
- How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?
- Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing?
- Does the left appreciate the new campaign and election protocols it has now established?
That is to say:
Cancel by fiat their virtual nominee four months before the election when he sinks in the polls?
Nullify the outcome of a year of primaries and the will of 14 million voters?
Threaten a sitting president with removal by the 25th Amendment process unless he steps aside as his party nominee?
Anoint a replacement nominee before the convention and without a single primary—and then prevent any rival candidates from challenging her?
- After the precedents of 2020 and 2024, is the future orthodox protocol for any Democratic nominee now to avoid all interviews and ex tempore speaking, and stick to teleprompted speeches and scripted responses only?
Is the fear that a transparent progressive messenger with an overt and honest left-wing message will double down on it and thus guarantee defeat?
- For the next 80 days, has the chameleon-like Kamala Harris now become a temporary MAGA candidate, as she expropriates Trump’s positions from border security to no taxes on tips? Does the media care to ask the new 80-day MAGA Harris why she has renounced many of her once emphatic beliefs?
- If Democratic presidential reelection candidate Joe Biden was pronounced fit as a fiddle before June 27, but after July 21 was abruptly forced off the ticket as too debilitated to continue as his party’s nominee, what exactly is his status now?
(Half-cognizant and thus able enough to continue his not-so-important task as America’s president, but also half-enfeebled and thus utterly unable to continue as the far more important Democratic nominee, it appears.)
- Does the new anti-Semitic Democratic Party prefer to risk losing with the radical nonentity WASP Tim Walz as vice presidential candidate rather than likely win with a popular, successful, and moderate Jewish Josh Shapiro?
- If one vice presidential candidate went to a war zone to serve with his deployed unit, while his counterpart preferred to retire from the military to avoid doing the same and lies about his abdication, how can the media credibly assert that the former’s tour was militarily suspect and yet pronounce the latter’s absence as heroic?
- If the current president canceled his reelection bid because he was too debilitated and unpopular, and is now rarely seen or heard, and if the vice president is out of Washington running a campaign in his place, but avoiding all press conferences, interviews, and unscripted addresses, who exactly, if anyone, is running the United States for the next six months of the lame duck Biden-Harris administration?
- If Donald Trump all summer has been compared by his enemies to Hitler and his murderous Third Reich, and if a 20-year-old would-be assassin and murderer with ease took up a sniper’s position to kill Trump—without a notified Secret Service or other law enforcement attempting to abort the shooter’s attempted assassination—what signal does that send to other would-be assassins for the next 80 days of the 2024 campaign?
Is the message that if a 20-year-old amateur sniper can brazenly and visibly for nearly an hour breach all Secret Service security perimeters to shoot eight times at the president, hit him in the ear, kill one innocent bystander, and wound two others, then almost any future, more-experienced serious shooter could match or exceed the ability of that disturbed amateur to get close enough to Trump to fire more than eight shots at his head?
And that shooting Donald Trump in many leftist quarters would subsequently earn the unhinged killer eternal fame, applause, and immortality?
And that if there are such anticipated rewards and perceived opportunities, then we may well see more attempts on candidate Trump’s life?
In sum, presidential campaigns traditionally kick off after Labor Day and mostly follow accepted protocols. But this warped 2024 version violates every prior precedent and is not just creepy but dangerous—even before the campaign was supposed to formally begin.
Posobiec in “Unhumans” early points out that conservatives complaining about radicals are neutralizing themselves. The radicals know what they are doing. Meanwhile Stinstrom exposes that post Watergate a “Council” formed ostensibly against corruption but really is the deep state, some 20 people, all whom he names, whom we would do well to target, wielding as they do the federal government. This Council is running the Harris campaign, deposed Biden, is targeting Trump for death and covering up their tracks by spiking investigations. Let’s target this “Council.”
The mainstream media have been unrelenting on misrepresenting Donald Trump as some kind of racist, would-be tyrant, so much so, that it makes ,me a pariah in my community to say that I support him. This after decades of him appearing on TV and being accepted by both sides. Nothing changed but the reporting.
I am wondering how stupid the deranged voters must be having lived through his last presidency and seen the successes that he had. Clearly, it is not Harris that they are supporting. It is their perception of the ‘lesser of two evils’. Moreover, many voters don’t seem to realize that this is not their old “Democratic Party”. The party now includes some very intolerant, unsavory elements that do not wish the country well. Didn’t they notice?
This form of Democracy didn’t work. I wonder what Version 2 will look like?
I believe this election rests entirely on whether the African Community will materially alter their historical voting for Democratic candidates and vote for Trump and other Republican candidates. By materially, I mean voting near 40% for Republicans. The massive illegal aliens who have arrived in cities should be the African Communities final straw with the Democratic Party.
If I only got my news from Facebook, Yahoo News and Microsoft News on my computer
and CNN, the major networks, The Huffington Post, the Atlantic, the Guardian, the Hill etc.
I would vote Democratic.
Fortunately, I’m exposed to the Hoover Institution, VDH, Israel Hayom and Fox News.
And I watch the actual debates and news conferences.
Also I buy groceries, gas for my car, pay my utilities and taxes.
It will take hundreds of millions of us to stop using the Liberal-Progressive Media for them to notice.
But let it start with me
The DNC has done exactly what it said it was legally able to do, back in 2016, when Jared Beck filed a lawsuit against them for their actions against Bernie Sanders. During the trial, the DNC proclaimed that they are a private corporation (they are) and therefore have the ability and right to put anyone up as their candidate, regardless of popularity, primaries, etc. This is exactly what they have done with Harris. I think we also know (and have known for the past few years) that neither Biden nor Harris were running the US government. If there was any question about that, it has now been answered. I would also say that I think it may be ‘premature’ to assume that the entirety of the situation in Butler on January 13, was solely due to Crooks. There were far too many lapses in security, not to cause some speculation as to planning of this situation. I suspect that, as in the case of JFK/Oswald, at some point proper (alternative) investigation will throw better light on this situation. Surely it has already been surmised that with the failure of all the Lawfare, etc., those truly in charge had one further option in order to ensure that Trump did not become president again.
Biden should have been impeached on Day 1 when he opened the border to illegal immigration. When there’s no punishment for a crime, the infractions continue, boundaries continue to get pushed and we end up with the kind of surreal, hideous mess we have now.
Thank you Professor for your insights. I have started asking my Cousins if their take on “Climate Change” is a science or if it is their religion. I have also started asking them how many millions will die when they de-industrialize Western Civilization to establish their Green Utopia. So far my Cousins have viewed me as mentally challenged, but sooner or later they will burn me at the stake for being a Heretic.
The role of the media can’t be overstated and it is greater, more constant and more irritating than ever with all these TV personalities. Couple that with so many zombie voters still voting a straight ticket. Greetings from Berkeley.
VDH for President!
We are banana republic now.
Im speechless. Coming to USA 23 years and becoming naturalized citizen is biggest mistake of my life.
Best regards, professor. Love your books.
Hmm, let’s see. Numbers 1 through 10, it seems difficult to say with much certainty especially after these last 3 years and 8 months and the Roman Columns in Colorado for that Obama coronation. You know, wherein he promised to “fundamentally” change the nation.
However, if the poll announced today correctly measured the real opinion of 39% of voters that Harris would be better than Trump on the economy and on the border and, even if 59% of that same poll believed Trump would be better, then clearly the population has been dumbed down possibly beyond hope. A Devine assist may be needed on the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah.
IF the Big Dude is watching, I promise to not look back.
Just one small addition to your very much appreciated thoughts: I’m an American Jew, a registered Republican, I will vote again for Donald Trump, and I deeply resent the Dems assumption that the placement of Josh Shapiro would influence my vote. He is for the two state solution, which is snide code for the extinction of Israel. His variety of Jew in this nation, the oh so comfortable, oh so spineless, craven, Tikun Olam Jew with a kick me sign on their back, is high up on my list of despised people.
Dr Hanson;
The leftist campaign is all the things described. Dare we add one more descriptor, frightening? I think we are moving full bore toward Marxism. Their Marxist campaign is using every trick to move the nation to a point of no return. We no longer can ignore the psy-op. Am I wrong to think that the only way Conservatives and Constitutionalists can fight back is to vote? Can this election really be engineered to be too big to fail? I fear the consequences should they “win”.
I have been apprehensively asking myself question 9 since they took office.
Victor- I am a relatively new daily listener and subscriber to The Blade of Perseus. Suffice to say, I am a huge fan. I have not yet purchased The Case for Trump, and wonder if you might spend some time on your program candidly addressing the concerns that many of my conservative friends have in pulling the lever for him in 2024 notwithstanding their deep concern about the progressive agenda. Personally I have come to terms with this issue and am supporting Trump, however there might be real value in your candidly reviewing Trump’s weaknesses while weighing them against the alternative. While I suspect this is likely covered in detail in your book, I think it may be helpful to many of your listeners at this point in the election cycle. Thanks
Thank you Victor,always wise, clear and concise
Sorry for typos above, should have proof read before submitting. Emotional subject so submitted in error.
The elephant in the room is how is counting the votes. The campaign of Biden 20 and how Biden/Harris breaks all norms regarding historical election cycles. It is in my opinion that the media, polling are all lock step in convincing the public that regardless of how the campaign is functioning, the candidate is performing well and even possibly a favorite to win. Now why would they do that? The answer simply is simply so when the results line up with expectations we have a logical expected result which was foretasted by polling. Unfortunately until we get voter id and paper ballots we are stuck in this absurdity.
I don’t think anyone can beat the MSM and Social Media. Weird, as a formar Marine and good citizen I’m beginning to really face the fact that USA today isn’t mine. As most Grandfathers, I worry for Feedom, constitution and honest Washington leadership. It’s just not bad enough.
Mr. Hanson, (with respect, I wish someday I can look you in the eye and shake your hand. I enjoy your cogent perspective. Thank you.)
I appreciate all the line items presented here, but isn’t #3 the most significant? It seems that all the other points present themselves as a result of, or being affected by, #3.
My concern is how can this stand? With all this “rule of law” and “no one is above the law” rhetoric, how is this acceptable? Is there NOTHING some lawful process or authority can do to immediately address this unique political “shell game”? Who’s actually in control around here??
I think that’s the issue. It’s all happening right in front of us, and it’s continuing.
It’s seems completely against our Constitution. It’s confirmation, in my mind, that they are NOT incompetent but deliberately orchestrating a fundamental restructuring of America.
Something must be done …. by whom? Can we wait for our election? How do we, as law abiding citizens, quell any further erosion or deterioration of our society? How do we walk the line of stopping them without being accused of not abiding by the law?
The point is not that it’s Harris, but how she, all of sudden, became their candidate? Is it really as simple as the donations to Biden can be defaulted to her, as VP?
What used to be “Weekend at Bernie’s” has now turned into “Being There”.
At the risk of being fatalistic, I fear a very damaging disruption to our society irrespective of who wins in November.
In the end it’s up to the American voters to hold Kamala accountable. The voters have to do it and I fear the voters are not up to the task.
more brilliant analysis from the most insightful word usage steward of the 21st century. much appreciated.
Dr.(Professor) VDH, it is such a privilege and real treat to listen to your podcasts and read your post. You always bring light, thoughtfulness and positive and rational clarity to your analyses and what you teach us. I have missed Rush and also before the collapse and emotional regression of the National Review for understanding and learning with your teaching.
I agree it is breathtaking to have the democrat party no longer hiding their ideology. Certainly makes me highly concerned about the raw Jacobean intentions of the Left.
Retired physician and veteran
The 2024 presidential election is for Trump to lose if he veers away from topic and platform. Whoever advised him and kept him in check and on topic during the democrat party coup in late July, did a great job. Trump needs to stop the “playground bullying” of name calling and stupid “mean tweets” and be the political leader of the GOP and focus entirely on the GOP platform and the 20 promises he’s pledged. As for Kamala Harris, Nicki Haley said it perfectly, take Kamala Harris’s own words for the past 30 years and believe her. Focus now needs to be on the vote counting and the shenanigans PA and other “toss-up” states.
So clearly factually true. Sadly however, scientific rationalism is lost if not abandoned in our current politics.
Regarding: “If Donald Trump all summer has been compared by his enemies to Hitler and his murderous Third Reich, and if a 20-year-old would-be assassin and murderer with ease took up a sniper’s position to kill Trump—without a notified Secret Service or other law enforcement attempting to abort the shooter’s attempted assassination—what signal does that send to other would-be assassins for the next 80 days of the 2024 campaign?”
This means that every time Trump takes the stage or appears in public, he knows his life could be in imminent danger. No human being could conclude otherwise. Yet he has not deserted his party, or their goals.
Now that’s character; that’s bravery; that’s courage; that’s conviction.
Lesser billionaires would have quit the stage.
Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan were all spared assassination by God so that their purpose could be fulfilled. Donald Trump may represent this nation’s last chance to turn around before it’s too late. Trump obviously has his faults, but I admire his courage.
VDH….I enjoy your comments and knowledge! You know why Kamala Harris refuses to do an interview or early debate? She is waiting on DJT sentencing! That will be the next “game plan” we all know that is coming. She can then call him a “criminal” or he will be home bound and cannot be able to attend a debate. Evil has raised its head and for how long we do not know!
Very insightful. All that is happening is very nauseating to me. I am just blown away at the “dumb downness” of the American people. We cannot let our country be lost forever.
All good questions but I’m not holding my breath for them to be answered. The basement is too cozy.
Dr. Hanson, you’ve been on point since Who Killed Homer, if not before. Thank you from Canada.
Unfortunately, US citizens have been raised and educated to believe in a system that their governments operate as designed and altruistically, although they are now more frequently exposed as corrupt and criminal. Their emotions and comfort zones do not permit critical thinking to challenge these belief systems. Not to mention the mindless, egregious influx of illegal alien people with no education or foundation in US constitutional concepts. The freedom to speak these words is under pressure and might get you 20 months in jail in the UK. And US/global NGO’s continue their attempts to eliminate our sovereignty and autonomy. What will it take to enable those who cannot look outside their direct line of vision to recognize what is in front of them and where this is all headed and stand against it?
I think Kamala is a euphemism chameleon!
Wanted to say I appreciate your website. Listen almost everyday there’s a new posting. Downloaded the free section of your book The End of Everything. Must admit awaiting Amazon to lower the kindle price. Looking forward to your continued insight and wisdom. Take care!
I think if the Republican party and the Trump campaign specifically can just focus and demand answers about the assassination attempt (who did this, why did this happen, who ignored the shooter on the rooftop with a 150-yard clear shot, who allowed the shooter to have 18 seconds of shooting time), and direct that focus via nonstop media onto the Biden administration instead of worrying about guys in a dress at the Olympics, then the Republicans could win. Demand answers; don’t let it be swept under the rug. The Democrats harped on Russia Russia Russia like a broken record and it worked. Trump needs to borrow this strategy. Stick with one demand. The party needs to focus. Trump needs to stop rambling. We have a country to save.
Guys in a dress at the Olympics is no small issue. It’s one reason why judgment is coming on the world.
Mr. Hanson,
I am writing to you for “hope”. Hope that our county is not lost. Hope that Trump can still win. Hope, that what I have seen coming most of my life (I’m 50. I saw the writing on the wall at 12; albeit, I thought I would have left the earth prior to my fears coming true.), is not actually here.
I have been a longtime listener and admirer. You are truly one of the brilliant minds of our time. Therefore, I am turning to you, engulfed in futile desperation, for a bit of hope.
Thank you so much for all you do!
Sincerely, and with great respect,
Jason DeAngelo
Many are feeling exactly as you are. In my view, we are too far gone as a nation. Many like to say Americans are smart, or Americans are not stupid, but tens of millions are stupid, brainwashed zombies. Talk about dangerous! Couple that with the Stalinesque propoganda we call the legacy media or mainstream media, along with Trump’s failing campaign since Biden dropped out, and it’s hard to see any real hope. The fundamental transformation of America is well underway. I often wonder when I look at the new reality if this is what it felt like for others in history when communism, fascism, totalitariansim rushed in. We are thrown off, frightened, overwhelmed, shocked, and struggling to see a future that is not dark. But we are promised nothing in this life and fear we are entering a dark ages that will take decades to re-emerge from, if ever.
Why do you say Trump’s campaign is failing? Because of the media’s phony polls putting Harris ahead of him? It’s part of their psyop strategy to demoralize us and prep us for the attempted steal in Nov.
Isn’t he the same guy who cheered for Ron when Don needed him the most? He even thought the lady candidate was viable. Remember that?
You sir, see the polls as I do. “No, we didn’t steal it, she was winning as the polls indicated.”
I agree that we are too far gone as a nation. I think the failed assassination of Trump indicates that God spared his life for a purpose. Most likely he will win the election, either a close election if he continues the ad hominem attacks, or a landslide if he sticks to the issues. In either case, the Left will continue its attacks, and there is danger of riots and another attempted assassination. If Kamala wins, the demise of this nation will come sooner, God”s judgment for increasing immorality and wokeness. The biblical tribulation may be very near.
Second sentence: true, dat.
How so many, upwards of half the nation, could even for a nano-moment think of voting for anyone listed as a Dem, after Obama’s record and Biden’s well-documented corruption, in my little view, shows more the decline of citizenship even than California’s cultivation of welfare.