The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

Increasingly, little if anything remains real about the Harris campaign.

Take ideology and the issues.Read More

It is now well known that Kamala Harris was rated as the most left-wing of all current senators, including Bernie Sanders—according to GovTrack, a non-partisan compiler of evaluators in Congress. The Voteview project found her voting record the most liberal of all senators of the 21st century, except for radical Elizabeth Warren.

Harris as vice president in a 50/50 Senate has proven the decisive passing vote on more deadlocked bills than any other vice president in history—all thirty-three of them proudly progressive legislation. She has done more to ensure left-wing government at the national level than any prior vice president.

Indeed, Harris, as both a California state official and its senator, and as vice president, has for some thirty years championed almost every issue dear to the left—Medicare for all, an end to private health care plans, banning fracking, mandatory EV requirements, unrestricted abortion, wealth taxes, income and inheritance tax hikes, defense cuts, price controls, open borders, ending the border patrol, stopping all deportations, opposition to a border wall, mass amnesties, free transition surgeries for illegal aliens, and mandatory buyback of semi-automatic firearms.

In most of these cases, Harris not only voiced support but did so proudly and emphatically in front of hard-left constituencies. She has declared that she is a radical and woke.

During the 2020 Antifa and BLM riot after the death of George Floyd, Harris unabashedly helped to raise bail for arrested violent demonstrators in Minnesota. Indeed, she went on national television to warn the nation that the protests were a “movement” that would not and should not stop.

Given such a long record, Harris should have been proud of her politics, which had done so much, especially over the last four years, to change the very nature of the nation. Why, then, is she not campaigning on the allegedly superior record of the Biden administration, the innate advantages to voters of the progressive project, and the need to implement a further left-wing agenda? Rather than promising “change,” should she not be advocating “four more years of the same?”

Answer—Joe Biden has proven to be one of the most unpopular presidents in history. His approval ratings hover around 40 percent, and less on the very left-wing policies he and Harris implemented.

So, Harris is not proudly boasting of her past efforts to open wide the southern border, to support defunding the police, or to call for reparations. Instead, she has renounced most of her prior radical agendas and embraced their antitheses. In eerie examples of projection, whatever particular unpopular policy is most associated with Biden-Harris, she claims Trump, out of office since January 2021, was responsible for the fiasco.

Hyperinflation from 2022-2023? Trump did it. Twelve million illegal aliens swarming across the border in 2021-2024? Again, Trump is responsible. The most humiliating military defeat in a half-century? The Afghanistan disaster of August 2021 is Trump’s fault too.

Otherwise, Harris almost sounds like a Trump voter critiquing her own Biden-Harris disaster years. It gets stranger still when she vows to “turn the page” and “move forward”—as if suddenly to distance herself from the very record she and Joe Biden enacted.

In other words, Harris is asking Americas for a suspension of disbelief that what they have seen, heard—and suffered—the last four years was not really the fault of the government overseen by Biden-Harris in power but was due to Donald Trump out of power. Voters are beginning to suspect that come November 6, Harris will revert to her lifelong leftist agenda, regardless of whether Harris loses and continues as a lame-duck vice president or wins and assumes the presidency in 2025.

Central to Harris’s metamorphoses has also been her somewhat massaged biography. She often omits that she is the daughter of two PhDs, a Stanford professor, and a cancer researcher at UC Berkeley. Harris never really lived long in Oakland as claimed but grew up in upper-middle-class neighborhoods in university towns like Berkeley, Palo Alto, and an elite district of Montreal.

Harris, in the past manner of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, does not limit her fluidity to her bio but extends her makeover to the trivial, such as altering cadences and accents in efforts to sound somewhat more authentic to particular black, Caribbean, or Hispanic audiences.

For the first time in her life, Harris also seeks to cement her supposedly conservative middle-class bona fides by reinventing her past and present tastes and experiences. She claims she once worked at McDonald’s, but oddly cannot cite which franchise she worked at and when.

Harris insisted she owns a Glock handgun without specifying when and where she purchased it, to whom it is registered, or which model. Much less does she remind listeners that, as California Attorney General, she made it nearly impossible to purchase many Glock models. The once noted wine connoisseur now populist Harris now, of course, drinks beer on television.

During the recent slippage in Harris support, the campaign has issued a number of near-comical “working-class” commercials. Their aim is to regain support from blue-collar males, especially poor white men without college degrees. But such ads aimed at these constituencies are laughable, with actors caricaturing how elites imagine working males talk and look like when voicing support for Harris.

At times, Harris oddly thinks the best way to win back the male vote is to ridicule it. In a style reminiscent of Hilary Clinton’s disastrous lambasting of Trump supporters as “deplorables,” Barack Obama recently ventured out on her campaign trail to lecture supposedly naïve young black men not to be misled, fooled, or suffer from false consciousness into voting for a supposedly racist Trump rather than a progressive black female Kamala Harris.

Yet Obama, like Harris, is apparently completely unaware that wealthy coastal elites (the Obamas own three mansions in Hawaii, Washington, DC, and Martha’s Vineyard) convince few when they begin lecturing supposedly clueless working-class men, both black and white, on why they are being fooled into voting for Donald Trump.

Central to the Harris makeover is also a systemic effort to “redefine” masculinity and thereby convince males that “real” men support Harris’s own mostly progressive agendas.

Just as Harris leads women by over ten points, so too Trump has nearly the same edge with male voters. Unfortunately for Harris, her out-of-touch left-wing handlers apparently believe Harris’s inability to win over men is due to “misogyny,” or male insecurities and fears of voting for a proud black woman.

Thus, the ads, like those directed to the middle class, show ridiculously caricatured “he-men” claiming masculinity is really defined as support for unchecked abortion or other progressive agendas.

Yet Harris seems clueless that her inability to win over men is often because, as the frequent main providers for their families, they have been increasingly unable to do just that. Soaring price hikes in gas, food, rent, power, and insurance—as well as perceptions of anemic responses to national security threats abroad and an inability to crack down on lawlessness at home—are what really alienates men.

And even here, the appeal to a softer, gentler masculinity appears to many manufactured and plastic. The Harris campaign points to Harris’s own husband, Los Angeles celebrity and entertainment lawyer, Douglas Emhoff, and running mate Tim Walz as models of the new, improved male, one who becomes more a real man the more sensitive he is to feminist issues, as defined by the left. Again, it seems a strange way to win over male voters.

Stranger still, Emhoff reportedly broke up his first marriage by impregnating his children’s nanny while arranging to hide both his adultery and the consequences of the pregnancy.

He also, allegedly as reported by witnesses, slapped hard a former girlfriend, leading to the end of their relationship. And most recently, allegations have arisen that he was considered unusually chauvinistic and insensitive to women at his law firm.

Walz similarly is held up to men as a man’s ideal liberal and thus a true masculine male. Yet, most male voters remain unconvinced here too—perhaps because Walz has systematically misled voters about his past in a way that hardly seems manly. Walz falsely claimed that he held a higher military rank, fought in a combat zone, misrepresented an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, used in vitro fertilization for the birth of his child, was at Tiananmen Square during the historic 1989 demonstrations, and visited China either “30” or “dozens” or merely “closer to 15” times.

The problem with all these canned, unauthentic commercials, altered biographies, complete political flip-flops, staged encounters, serial lies, and campaigning as a pseudo-change candidate against one’s own record and self is that it is hard to keep all the contradictions, hypocrisies, fables, and mythologies straight.

No wonder that the chief criticism of Harris is that she offers word salads and endless sappy circumlocutions instead of specific answers to questions or laying out detailed political agendas.

But in her defense, how can either she—or for that matter, Walz—do that when they do not know who they really are, much less what they did in the past and will do in the future?


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49 thoughts on “The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris”

  1. She is a pathological liar! The only truths that she has stated are: “My values have not changed” and “The children of the community ARE the children of the community” Both of those statements make my blood run cold! I hope people wake up ! Believe these words! She is
    a Marxist and so is her running mate. The threat to Democracy is NOT Donald Trump. It is a corrupt press and corrupt DOJ. If they were appropriate, they would have outed her and not spread her lies. Donald Trump and the people at the top who are supporting him are our only hope. If he is successful, we also need to deliver a strong conservative majority in the House and Senate!

  2. I hope we’re not setting ourselves up. I didn’t count but the number is large, of the posts who urge (and maybe expect?) liberal, let alone progressive donks to vote for Trump. There may be some, hopefully young Black and Hispanic males especially. For heavens sake, the number of Jews who will vote for Harris, even given all that’s happened to Israel and on college campuses, is horrifying.

    1. This is the time for all Americans to step up and save their country from Harris and the progressive madness.

      Past loyalties to the Democrat party get in the way of independent thinking and courageous acting.

      Democrats and all Americans need to be encouraged to vote for Trump this election.

      Make America Reasonable Again

  3. Why does Kamala Harris say that she is “African American” when her father is from Jamaica and her mother was from India? Shouldn’t she identify as “Asian-Indian Jamaican American”? My parents legally emigrated to America from Germany and applied and received their U.S. citizenship. They identified as Americans – not as “German North Rhine-Westphalian American.”

    1. Good points, the Left has successfully taken away an American identity in the public schools and replaced it with distinctions that are meant to advance their agenda.

      It is easier to gain support from people when they are divided into groups with different loyalties.

      Liberals need to wake up to this self-destructive practice and vote for Trump.

      Make America Unified Again

  4. They know exactly who they are. The challenge- a majority reject their far-left radical views. They just need the state to push them over the finish line and then the fundamental transformation can continue at pace.

    1. Good points, the majority of Americans do not support leftist values and policies.

      Hence, Harris is offering Trump-like values to gain votes.

      Democrats need to be aware of this and vote for Trump.

      Make America Authentic Again

  5. I will remember what a horrible CA AG she was for the rest of my life. She screwed hundreds of CA seniors in the biggest Ponzi scheme in CA state history, by giving one of the two leading perps in the case, the biggest break plea deal ever, solely so she could brag about getting a conviction.

    Do I believe her values haven’t changed? You bet your collectives asses I do.

  6. Well, I’m a college educated woman and she sure hasn’t won me over in any way. At 75, over my many working years I have met more than a few minimally talented women who arrogantly behaved much like Harris. Her type of personality is familiar to us all, and probably a lot of men find her as insufferable and repugnant as I do. Aside from being a laughably dim intellectual bulb who has no original ideas of her own and who merely parrots memorized canned answers that someone else wrote for her, increasingly she is becoming annoyingly obnoxious. She’s a disgrace and insult to all the smart, capable women out there, and how dare she imagine she is qualified and smart enough to hold what is arguably the most important job in the world. No one cares about her damn skin tone, gender or ethnicity, and I’m beyond sick of endlessly hearing about that from the left. The only important things are whether or not she possesses the intelligence, knowledge and capability to hold the position of president. What is wrong with this shallow excuse of a woman that she actually believes she should be elected and that we the people should elect this birdbrain to finish destroying our beautiful country and its heritage.

  7. It has become clear that no amount of election tampering can save Comrade Kamala’s campaign. Word around the water coolers in the Biden State Department is that Obama loyalists have begun setting up booby traps for a possible Trump transition team.

  8. Wow;”sappy circumlocutions instead of specific answers to questions or laying out detailed political agendas.,” What way with words VDH. I relish reading your literary productions. Keep up the great work, America needs your voice.

  9. I don’t think her left-wing views are genuine either. She doesn’t HAVE views; she only wants to BE viewed—as whatever anyone wants her to be.

  10. As atrocious as Harris and Walz are, the Democrats will find a way to win/steal the election due to the divided Republican Party. The Democrats are solid and Republicans are divided. There is no “anti-Harris” wing of the Democrats like there is a “never-Trumpers” wing of the Republican Party.

    1. Sad commentary on division.

      Establishment republicans need to put aside their rivalries and vote for Trump.

      Make America Humble Again

    2. The Democrats will win because as Stalin observed, it’s the people who count the votes that determine the winner. Unfortunately.

  11. William Shakespeare

    I was going to respond substantively because the argument that Harris is a leftist is a joke perpetuated by idiots and propagandists (in Vic’s case he’s both lol!)…but you white wingers stopped caring about truth and reality a long time ago.

  12. “Circumlocution” -the use of unnecessarily wordy language, especially in being vague or evasive. Great word to sum it up Professor Hanson!

  13. Peter Patterson

    We all know that Trump will have the votes in November. But what will happen if there is the obvious cheat? What then when they refuse to certify? WW3? Assassination? 2024 will not be another 2016. It wont be that easy. I suggest it will be a 2020 on steroid’s! You want to see a real insurrection? 2024. Clear and obvious voter fraud? 2024. They are desperate. And they will revert to desperate measures.

  14. There is nothing substantive about either Harris or Walz as demonstrated by their behavior since becoming candidates.

  15. Hopefully, Trump will be elected in early November. Then, America can finally be “unburdened by what has been”.

    1. It is an upside-down culture right now where right is wrong and wrong is right.

      Deplorable is a compliment coming from the Left.

      1. P.S. Democrats need to stop vilifying people who stand up to them. They are dividing and hurting the nation.

        Democrats need to vote for Trump.

        Make America Whole Again

  16. I saw that Harris ad with “real men” claiming how tough they are and that they’re not afraid of voting for a woman. It belongs in the closet with the Bud Light commercial. I think many black men can empathize with Trump after watching him being unjustly persecuted by the legal system. Unlike Obama, who was raised by white grandparents in a middle class lifestyle attending wonderful schools, they have gone through “the struggle” as Al Sharpton says.
    The biggest fear I have is how Harris will confront our enemies with the world on the verge of imploding. It’s scary enough knowing that Biden and Harris are in charge of our safety until Jan. Picturing her confronting Putin, Xi, the Ayatollah and Kim Jong Un is the stuff of nightmares.

    1. Good points. Foreign policy and relations under Harris seem to lead to all kinds of instability and chaos.

      Democrats need to wake up and vote for Trump to save America and the world.

      Make America Safe Again


    “Unfortunately for Harris, her out-of-touch left-wing handlers apparently believe Harris’s inability to win over men is due to “misogyny,” or male insecurities and fears of voting for a proud black woman.”

    Like true progressives, that is, like the overgrown adolescents that they are, their failure to win over men can’t be because Harris is wrong, but because Someone Else is at fault. Personal responsibility is not a progressive value.

  18. “Just as Harris leads women by over ten points….” This is what bothers me most about this article. I believe that some broadcaster over the past few days lauded the EU for their liberal ‘female leaders’ who, after running the EU into the ground are, amusingly, are being voted out of office by their populations While it may be true, the idea that women will vote for Harris because of her gender (so, basically, a DEI hire) rather than merit, is an embarrassment.

    1. You also have to factor in the significant amount of Trump hatred from females. Clearly Trump’s personality and behavior bother women far more than men.

      1. Re: …”Clearly Trump’s personality and behavior bother women far more than men…”

        I’m not certain that is the issue. I am disgusted with Trump, for numerous reasons. But he’ll get my vote because IMHO, Kamala Harris is going to be the “Closing Pitcher”! Even if I stretched my imagination far enough to think this country could get out of 36 TRILLION dollars of debt, we sure will NOT be able to once we allow the people behind Harris a ‘fourth’ term!

        But I am more disgusted with the fact that the Republican party is absolutely incapable of fielding an equally competitive candidate. IF Trump wins, he better win both houses or he is a lame duck from the beginning and this time will most probably, actually be removed from office via impeachment, not just tried.

        So, my concerns are, if he actually succeeds in a four-year term, what happens next for the conservatives. I suppose, gone are the days when young, strapping, charismatic, relatively honest, conservative politicians become president. I do not know of a seriously attractive conservative candidate in our entire political system federal, state or local who I think will compete and win another term in the Oval Office.

        Perhaps it’s just my cynicism!? Does anybody else have any similar concerns for what will happen next? After Trump?

      2. To be fair, voters need to scrutinize both candidates in regard to personal issues which Harris is also said to have. The disparity in gender votes may also be due to abortion as well.

        Voters need to realize that all the candidates are flawed and vote for the one who will fulfill government’s primary role – to protect its citizens’ lives and property. (See Romans 13:1-7)

        Women and democrats can help secure the nation by voting for Trump.

        Make America More Secure Again

  19. It would be so easy to write a somewhat parallel polemic regarding Donald Trump. Those who know him best, those who have been on his staff, virtually unanimously declare him unfit for the presidency.
    The principal problem for us, is that he thinks he knows everything.
    Kamala Harris knows that she knows very little. She will heavily depend on the staff she picks. I would like to know more about her thoughts on that, but Trump thinks he knows everything, a disaster looms.

    1. You would be incorrect on both points Bob. Many in Trump’s circle who know Trump best not only support him but are going to be back in a Trump adminstration. Ric Grunnell, Kash Patel, Jeffrey Clark to name a few. Certainly there are those who Trump fired who harbor a dislike and took their gripes to the media and book deals to enrich themselves but few have not profitted off their anti Trump agendas. Could they have valid reasons, possibly, but several of those Trump haters have proven to be lying about specific claims. The woman who claimed that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the beast on 6Jan comes to mind.
      As for Kamala knowing very little and will rely on her staff; 95% of her staff would disagree with you on that. Reports are her staff claim she rarely listens, refuses to read white papers. Harris has the greatest number of staff desertions. Not that they write books, they just move on to other positions in the government. Certainly CNN/MSNBC/Oprah/the View would have these disgruntled voices.

      Trump may come off as thinking he knows everything but he clearly knows more than most, just listen to him in one on one interviews where he can respond to questions. I suspect you base your opinion on Trump rallies. If that was all I watched, I might agree with you as those are hard for me to follow but his ‘conversation’ with Elon Musk and interviews on both favorable and unfavorable news shows indicates a man with a wealth of knowledge.

    2. Trump’s actions as president show that he exercised wisdom to benefit America.

      Harris and Biden’s actions show that they are bent on destroying America. Their staffers who run the country made bad decisions.

    3. William Thompson

      …and yet President Trump’s actions, policies, and governance were those of a largely right leaning executive when the bombast and media tempests are removed. Admiring Trump the man is a challenge even today, yet evaluating President Trump the Chief Executive of the nation is much easier. As a native Californian, who recently fled the once beautiful and verdant state to other environs, Kamala Harris was present for many years of my life there. She was, is, and will be, a bane to any population over which she has authority, of any kind. She is mean as a junk yard dog with morals to match, and will slit anyone’s throat to get to the top. Her wake is littered with ruin, havoc, resentment, financial carnage, and chaos. And, even should she be removed from the POTUS slot after election look who then sits in the Oval. Tell us how comfortable you are with all this for a future, please.


    That nicely sums it up. Would this be even close if the still-dominant corrupt media were not shamelessly, desperately propping her up, even doctoring an interview?

    1. Gibbs- you are absolutely correct! Without the 3 letter agencies, the media and the unelected deep state as flotation devices, she would be in deep peril.

  21. Ana María Calle

    Mr Hanson, I moved to this country 15 years ago and I saw you for the first time at Fox, since then I started following you. Now I know more about USA, my home state California (a crazy one) and you make me remember history classes. Thank you for your wisdom, your ample knowledge and vocabulary. You have taught a lot. Wish you the best.

    1. Ana Maria, I too am so grateful for VDH–I’ve been admiring him since I first saw him on Fox News many years ago. (Fox’s loss since they became woke).
      I am also grateful for the intelligent responses to his articles. I learn so much.

  22. “Voters are beginning to suspect that come November 6, Harris will revert to her lifelong leftist agenda…”

    Lucy and the football.

    1. Joanne Peterson

      Bernie Sanders said that is what will happen. She is out for votes by flip flopping on her values but will revert back to her values and will take this country to he** never to return. Vote Red…Trump🇺🇸!

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