In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss Ta-Nehisi Coates on Israel, police deaths, politicized instructors and left businesses, Amy Wax stands, victimization is the refuge of all scoundrels, keeping illegals on the voter rolls, and John Kerry claims Democrats need to win so they can censor.
Ta-Nehisi Coats and his Comic Book Career
Professor Hanson asked what great comic books or films has Ta-Nehisi Coats has written.
The newly DEI/ woke incarnation of Marvel Comics gifted Coats a run on two of its most popular characters: Black Panther and Captain America. Chronologically in that order. Far as I know, the popularity of both runs was as loud as a wet firecracker.
Coats’ biggest claim to attention during that time was the random malicious spitball the threw at Jordan B. Peterson likening his writing to the philosophy of the arch villain, the super-Nazi The Red Skull. Now that I think about it, Coats probably did it to gain attention for a book that was not connecting with its readers.
Comic book fans were filled with dread when it was announced that a “black Superman” film was in the works with Ta-Nehisi Coats writing and J.J. Abrams producing. (Abrams himself who has gone on record saying Hollywood was “so white” and vowed on Twitter to be an ally in ending “white comfort”).
Call it karma, call it basic economics, but thank goodness Warner Bros. did a hard course correct by recently shelving superhero entertainment that had strong identity politics content. One of which was the black Superman film.
Far as everyone knows, Coats’ black Superman project remains in the creative development morgue.
You forgot about Ernest Borgnine in “Bad Day at Black Rock”!
Anyone who calls himself conservative, or whom you two call conservative, or “on the right”, and who says that America’s founding is corrupt and evil, has left the territory. He is not a conservative.
About 20 years ago, maybe a little more, Lee Edwards wrote an essay in Town Hall (when it was still affiliated directly with the Heritage Foundation), in which he listed 6 principles that defined American conservatism. I think they describe what we believe pretty accurately:
1. The private sector can be depended on to make better economic decisions than the public sector in 99 out of 100 cases.
2. Government serves the governed best when it is limited.
3. Individuals must exercise responsibility along with freedom.
4. There is an enduring moral order.
5. Peace is best protected through military strength.
6. The United States should not hesitate to use its power and influence to shape a world friend to American interests and values.
It sounds like those folks who think our foundation is evil don’t fit these principles. A horse can say it’s something else, but it’s still a horse. You can’t decide what you are, in your being.
This also illustrates that the “left/right” model is imperfect to describe our political philosophies and needs review and maybe replacement.
For a long time I’ve said I love Moslem but hate Islam – radical Islam.
I never understood the hatred of them . We don’t have to become Nazis again.
We have to find faith again, find something beyond ourselves to believe in- some meaning.
That is why they behave so badly that they become confused and become infected with our lack of meaning.
The Greeks are the oldest enemy of Islam but they held Constantinople so long because of their beliefs.
Sweden can be saved, good luck.
Those bloody Greeks again, maybe they did invent everything. 😂
Scott, you were kind of write the first time, the Iran we know today will be gone.
Iran knows and reject radical Islam. They will not replace it with anything the West has to offer because the West has nothing to offer, the West is an empty vessel.
They will surely turn toward Russia and Orthodoxy, they are the oldest of enemies.
What is that old saying about better the enemy you know.
They don’t know the West because the West is nothing, believes nothing, not in itself, not in its history or anything beyond this world.
Why isn’t Russia part of the West anymore?
Politics is interesting, I’m mostly of Greek descent, they found it interesting, they reckon they invented it but they reckon they invented everything. Where my family comes from in Hellas they didn’t invent much,, -not that I know about- and there are a lot of rocks.
Greeks love arguing about politics but I don’t and yet I still feel very Hellene (Greek)
Thursday is October 3rd, Jack 😉