Where previous presidents fostered American strength, Obama revels in weakness.

Director Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, set during the Depression, was a divine counterfactual thought experiment designed to remind a suicidal George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) that his hometown, Bedford Falls, would have turned out to be a pretty miserable place called Pottersville without his seemingly ordinary presence.
Consider the Obama administration’s first six years as a prolonged counterfactual take on what the world might have been like for the last 70 years without a traditionally engaged American president dedicating our country to preserving the postwar Western-inspired global order.
The what-if dream seems to be working to show the vast alterations in a world that Westerners once took for granted. France, a perennial critic of America, is suddenly an unlikely international activist. For seven decades, the French harped about American hyperpuissance – on the implied assurance that such triangulating would be ignored by an easily caricatured, aw-shucks American George Bailey trying his best to keep things in the global community from falling apart.
But now the Johnny-on-the-spot American everyman is gone, and lots of things have filled the vacuum. An overwhelmed France nevertheless intervened in Mali to staunch Islamic extremism. It bombed Libya, and then discovered that the United States’ new policy of “lead from behind” meant that America was no more likely to clean up the ensuing post-Qaddafi mess than was France — especially given that the new Mogadishu-on-the-Mediterranean was not far from Marseilles, but an Atlantic Ocean away from New York and Washington.
Some present-day Americans relish the Schadenfreude of making the world step up to the plate — or else.
Just as Pottersville seemed to have its adherents, so some present-day Americans relish the Schadenfreude of making the world step up to the plate — or else. Obama supporters praise the new tough love, as if the current American recessional was part of a brilliant plan to stop infantilizing our allies and instead to make them grow up and accept responsibility for their own defense. Unfortunately, the new isolationism in reality was not so much designed to bulk up our friends as to ignore them and let other, less-benign forces drive world currents.
Of course, France used to ankle-bite the U.S. on its Mideast policy, with the assurance that in the end American interests were about the same as French interests — and were backed moreover by eleven carrier groups. But now France has learned that the U.S. really does trust the mendacious Iranian theocracy (soon to be “a very successful regional power”), and that it wants a deal to restore a failed Obama legacy far more than it worries that nuclear-tipped Iranian missiles might one day reach central Europe, or that a nuclear Sunni-Shiite rivalry might characterize a brave new Middle East. It was once easy for France, with its own volatile Muslim population, to poke fun at neo-cons and an Israel-centric U.S. policy; it is perhaps not so reassuring to appreciate that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are now considered by America as co-equals with or preferable to democratic, Western Israel.
Japan and South Korea more or less took for granted the American nuclear umbrella. Not now, in the present Pottersville dream. Japan is rearming — and wondering exactly how far American indifference extends. South Korea has no idea what the current administration would do in the case of Chinese or North Korean aggression other than issue a red line, a deadline, or a step-over line. In comparison with the Obama nonchalance, the old days of an engaged U.S. president no longer seem so bad.
The Eastern Europeans and the Baltic States rushed to join the West after the fall of the Berlin Wall, if at times seeming prickly about the omnipresence of U.S. power. By 2008 “Hope and Change” seemed a nice change from “Wanted: Dead or Alive.” Now they are learning what life in Putinville is really like and suddenly beefing up their defenses,while begging for the stationing of American troops on their own soil. Good luck with that.
The West more or less thought the destruction of al-Qaeda in Anbar Province during the Petraeus Surge of 2007–08 was a bit of an overreaction to the bad idea of removing Saddam Hussein. But dream America away, and you get ISIS as a Jayvee organization conducting video beheadings in the theater of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre site of Palmyra, while Iranian-backed militias run Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, and the Gulf monarchies worry whether jihadists will eventually cut off 40 percent of the world’s oil supply.
The contra–George Bailey presidency has had ramifications at home as well. It was easy to caricature past presidents for deporting illegal aliens and enforcing the border. But no American in his right mind ever considered a United States without a southern border at all, or an end to the entire notion of “illegal” and “alien,” as northern Mexico and the southwestern U.S. have blended together as a sort of new fusion homeland. In Pottersville, expecting federal statutes to be enforced makes one racist, while promoting ethnic chauvinism and exemption from the law proves one liberal.
Most recent presidents considered Al Sharpton a rank demagogue with a history of defamation and of inciting riot and mayhem. Now, in our present alternative universe, he is the president’s closest adviser on racial matters. It was generally agreed that proactive policing had lowered the violent-crime rate to levels unimaginable in the crime-ridden 1970s; now the police are considered the enemies, and violent crime is spiking, with the vast majority of its victims minority youths. Once, presidents tried to calm tensions; now, in the present surreal dream, they accuse the police of stereotyping, talk of their own racial affinities in regard to ongoing criminal cases, traffic in mythologies like the Ferguson concoction, and urge ethnic groups to punish shared enemies at the polls, as racial polarization and violent-crime rates naturally rise in tandem.
Some were persuaded by Obama’s rhetoric of a U.S. post-9/11 overreaction, when on the campaign trail he trashed the American insistence on labeling jihadists radical Islamist terrorists. But replace a centrist U.S. president with one much father left, and you earn the make-believe world of overseas contingency operations, workplace violence, man-caused disasters, jihad as a personal odyssey, the Muslim Brotherhood as a secular organization, Bowe Bergdahl as having an honorable record, and an Israeli president as the chief threat to Middle East peace.
The aim of Capra’s fable was to remind us that the easily ridiculed, so-so status quo often hides Herculean efforts by those whom we take for granted, and who, working in the shadows, guarantee civilization instead of chaos. In the movie, the guardian angel Clarence can make the dream go away and cure George Bailey of his suicidal melancholy, as normalcy returns with the old Bedford Falls. In our version, we will learn soon after November 2016 whether we awake from the temporary alternative universe of a new Pottersville or whether it proves to be a depressing and continuing reality.
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Obama’s, and America’s foreign policy, is turning toward a comprehensive diplomatic approach and away from naked armed force, that is if you discount over 2,000 drone strike, the execution of OBL, and ongoing airstrikes agains ISIS. Mr Hanson watches too many movies and remains in the era of blunt force militarism of the 1950s, either AD or BCE. Encouraging other nations to do their fair share of the fighting is more than reasonable. The French, English and Germans have excellent and storied military establishments and are more than capable of fighting and defeating AQ, ISIS, and other brands of fascism. Just as Russia is quelling rising Euro-Fascism in the Ukraine.
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Well written and much to the point as always.
I am always depressed to think that it will take more years to right the wrong of the past 100 years of liberal destruction of America than what people could withstand of the strong medicine to correct the ills. People will simply vote out the strong medicine, and it is much easier to demagogue the populace than to discuss the merits. The huge decline in America will make it much more difficult to rebuild, it is easier to tear down a hill than to build it up. I believe Obama’s plan to Balkanize America with the huge Muslim and Latino influx is another tactic to ensure America remains divided and weak to enable more central government control. Therefore, America is destined to further decline, and the world will continue to become more dangerous, perhaps we enter into a new Dark Age.
Yes. Perhaps it is time to defund Progressive K-12 and Progressive University education.
In all education funding budgets, a junction switch needs to be in place. Are Federal or local funds going to teach Progressivism? Then No, hell NO to any funding. Are funds going to teach “Tragic-Liberty” worldview education? Then yes, by all means yes to funds. This brings back the Spirit of ’76.
Progressives have been yucking it up with endless laughter, because this is their 115 year old trick.
How did ISIS know its troops and heavy equipment wouldn’t be bombed on desert roads? Who told them?
A very striking and apt comparison and a very good read. The sentence that stood out for me began the last paragraph; “The aim of Capra’s fable was to remind us that the easily ridiculed, so-so status quo often hides Herculean efforts by those whom we take for granted, and who, working in the shadows, guarantee civilization instead of chaos.”
In the movie we understand and feel the intensity of George Bailey’s frustrations as he struggles (Herculean efforts for sure) with his own desires for a different life, one that would focus more on HIS needs and wants. Instead, he ultimately finds a deeper, more lasting joy in serving others, his family and community – his greater Self. Unfortunately, in our current “Me first” culture the pendulum has swung too far from personal responsibility to correct easily. I believe there are more “Clarences” out there, waiting to come to illuminate all the “George Baileys.” But it may be a rough road for awhile. Clearly leaving our futures and fortunes to either “greedy businessmen/corporations” and/or inept/corrupt governments/bureaucracies inevitably ends in a “run on the bank.” Thanks for your constant erudition and inspiration.
Dr Hanson,
In your book on Obama – published ca. 2009 – you included a lot of material not published elsewhere by any writer or publ.company(Little,Brown, Random House or other company).
Any chance that some of this material has been forgotten or outdated since it came out?
By the rate Mr Obama has been going methinks a new volume since 2009 should find an audience – naturally outside the media and Hollywood..
zuzu’s petals or nuclear ash.
Things are so bad, it’s a mad fantasy to imagine a world without Obama now.
Bailey had a dream. We’re in a nightmare.
Your absolutely brilliant article of mocking Obama’s quest for weakness as his new normal of “good” both foreign and domestic; and then following it out to its natural conclusion of chaos, crime, and ultimate catastrophe should earn you a Pulitzer in my book.
You nail it -yet again- Doctor Hanson.