Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc as they delve into the week’s top stories, including Donald Trump’s recent appearances and their impact on the political landscape. VDH also shares his thoughts on the current political climate, the challenges facing Kamala Harris, and the shifting dynamics within the Republican Party.
Dr Hanson. My idea on the shifting dynamics of the republican party! What the wealthy elite have done so well is to pay proxies (like Biden) to take men down. Step by step. And toss in 1,000s of distractions along the way. If all men are strong than there wife’s and children will be strong. The open boarder is for votes obviously, to fix that tomorrow; voter i.d. solved? Things such as affirmative action just weakens other sectors of society, it was 50 years too late in my opinion. All men no matter the race need to be strong, if we are to take the republican party in a positive direction regardless of race; men should be way past the race issues by now. When I went to school in the 1960’s and 70’s all children were happy to include all other children in our activities. The last election they tried to put men against women because the hold on the race card is slipping. That definitely did not work because inherently we as Americans are decent people. We love God and we as a whole love our neighbors. Lastly the media is the real enemy pushing the narratives to divide 100s of groups for bad votes a few here a few there ECT… If we can hold our politicians feet to the fire and get clear answers to clear questions we might get better representation. Do term limits work in your opinion? And if people who want to serve in Congress or the Senate and the administration including v.p. and president were to do it for free; would that be a step in the right direction? I desire all feed
Hey Dr. H.,
You really need to have Sami put together a highlight show of your politician imitations. They are excellent and fondly remind me of the late, great, Rush Limbaugh.
I just got to say, I enjoy mr. Hansons parodies so much. Wonderful show! – thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Kind regards
I am bemused at the statements that men are crude, insensitive, etc. What is the goal of such statements? Are they supposed to bring about changing these men? If, in fact, I am crude and insensitive, then you informing me of such would not bother me. I am insensitive. Okay, so what? The only way these lines of argument would have any effect on me, is if I am not actually insensitive. So these women must believe that I am not actually insensitive in order for them to believe that their statements will effect me. :>))
Your logic makes sense so the purpose may be more to influence the rest of society to create laws that seek to address what they see as a problem.
Detroit is returning to the wild. By 2030 there will be moose and wolves prowling the streets.
Addendum: People may be surprised to know that a significant portion of our workforce is conservative and voting for Trump. This is also evident in the Teamster’s refusal to endorse Kamala Harris and with other unions that have followed suit. These groups have been traditionally solid Democratic constituencies. So, in the current era of razor thin margins where elections can be decided by 40k votes spread amongst a few swing states does it make any sense to scapegoat government workers as lazy “workfare” recipients?
Right now we have a veritable police state lurking in the wings of our government, AEB the FBI that goes after pro life advocates, parents at PTA meetings and the J6 protestors. It will only take a Democratic sweep of Congress and the Presidency to actualize the unthinkable (eg. pack the SCOTUS and remove any judicial review) and we may never return to constitutional governance ever again.
There is so much more than the petty resentments of government workers riding on this election.
We agree on all these points, to include not alienating government employees. To me, the question is what do you do with all these federal government employees being out of work, if Elon Musk’s efficiency commission is able to make significant cuts. As an example, significant cuts can be made in the Defense Budget by investing in drones, etc., per what’s working in Ukraine at much less expense. The private sector, in particular small business, is going to have to provide jobs for these people, but, over time, it can be done with the right policies & incentives in place.
“On the federal and state levels we PROBABLY (my caps) have four people doing the work of one person in the private sector called workfare as opposed to welfare.”
I’m surprised that this ignorant drivel has a voice on the VDH podcast. I work in the public sector as a bus driver and make about the same money as my private sector counterparts (eg. UPS). For as long as I can remember there has always been a For Hire sign as retaining workers is a chronic problem. This is mainly due to the monotonous nature of the work and the real threat of being assaulted, spit on, and exposed to fentanyl smokers, among other social pathologies, that come with the job.
Transit provides low cost transportation for commuters, the elderly and disabled, and working poor. It’s also good for the environment. Since the 1980s with the rise of the tech industry (eg. Microsoft), Boeing, and other companies the Puget Sound region has grown exponentially, giving us the third worst traffic congestion in the country. The effect this has had on the environment is clearly evident when one looks at Mt. Rainier on any warm Summer evening and sees a brownish-yellow ring of smog obscuring its majestic beauty.
Maybe Craig could explain how reducing the transit workforce by 75% would somehow magically improve service?
Ron, I was mainly referring to the back office, where historically the public sector lags the private in implementing efficiencies. In New York State where I live, managers are actually compensated in part by the number of people working for them, which is obviously a disincentive to streamline operations. Your work as a bus driver is essential & most appreciated!