The End of Carthage: Things We Can Learn

Don’t miss Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc as they discuss the second chapter in VDH’s new best-selling book, “The End of Everything”: the destruction of Carthage in the Third Punic War (149-146 BC) and its relevance to the present.

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6 thoughts on “The End of Carthage: Things We Can Learn”

  1. Charles Carroll

    Another point in favor or universal conscription is to ensure that the military forces reflect the makeup and attitudes of the nation. Also, to prevent a schism between those who serve and the “elite.” President Obama even commented in words to the effect that the military people who died, were maimed and/or sacrificed (along with their families) “asked for it by volunteering.” There should be no “education” deferment. Get that when you get out. A two year conscription term would not unreasonably delay even doctors, who are in their late 20’s/early 30’s, if they specialize deep enough, before practicing. While I have often thought that I wouldn’t want some of these people in my Marine Corps, they were in World War II and Korea and most of them adjusted and got by. At least they were forced to live and work with diverse other peoples of their nation. Many myths were exploded.

    1. Charles,

      Although I have not served, I believe a mandatory two years of military service would be good for both the country and young men, regardless of their class or socioeconomic status. It would teach discipline and team work, instill patriotism, and lead to valuable job skills that could be used for future careers.

      We desperately need to reject self serving charlatans like Barak Obama and rediscover our unity and love of country or we will never recover from our steady 21st century decline nor win another war.


      I disagree. A draft in times of emergency, yes. But for a peacetime army, it’s too easy to pervert the armed forces for ideologies contrary to our own. We need only look at what is happening today to see this.
      The Founders were fearful of a standing army, for that reason, that it would be used as a tool of tyranny. It is indeed noble to volunteer and sacrifice, but when that sacrifice is coerced by force, it loses its nobility.
      No, those values need to be taught at the level of the family, not by national institutions. Our system assumes that we be a virtuous people, not that the State forces us to be virtuous. Because when you leave it to the State, things drift to tyranny “gradually, then suddenly”.

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