The Cost of American Indifference

By continually taking the path of least short-term trouble, the U.S. ensures long-term hardship.

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


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3 thoughts on “The Cost of American Indifference”

  1. I think you’re missing the point of what U.S. foreign policy is about nowadays. It’s about letting the wonks at State do whatever comes to mind, just so long as it doesn’t distract the C in C from concentrating on his golf game with tedious exercises like policy meetings and press conferences.

  2. America is acting like someone who’s counting the days to their retirement. The desire for strenuous or vigorous activity has waned and the time horizon seems focused on how we can amuse ourselves in the short term rather than we can apply our talents and ability to good purpose in the long term. If we conduct foreign policy like someone who tires of conflict and decides to go to their room in frustration and smoke dope whenever the going gets rough, then it should be no surprise whatsoever that Pax Americana is quickly succumbing to the law of the jungle as Uncle Sam sucks on his bong and kills some more brain cells….

  3. Perhaps Obama is confused… rather than appear like the dreaded and mocked Bush “cowboy”…

    Obama speaks loudly and carries a big horse stick? (Lest he also be confused with a certain shirtless horseman?

    Obama is quick on the draw, but it’s the narrative Etch-a-Sketch storyline of Cloward-Piven? (Which works on Obama’s dumbed down media & mesmerized masses, but not on disdainful, combative-leader-peers, who control their own dumbed down masses!, and hence are un-hypnotizable!)

    Once again the reality-warping-at-any-expense-any-means-justifies-the-ends Progressivism Worldview… It always spits in the eye of the reality-embracing-Tragic-Worldview that gave us the Colt Peacemaker, which itself of course, is mostly outlawed in Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York Pity.

    What is outlawed in the centers of all dumb power? The Colt Peacemaker? The Tragic Worldview? Or, reality? Or is it the knowledge that the Tragic View can humanely find solutions that absolutely work, and work well enough, in the span of less than three years when applied to about any problem the Progressives create and maintain for 100 years or more?

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