The Candy Crowley Debate

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2 thoughts on “The Candy Crowley Debate”

  1. Times have changed since 2012. The main stream media has embraced so called Wokeism aka Cultural Marxism aka anti Whiteism. They are not embarrassed about showing their bias, they virtue signal it. Who are journalists in America in 2024? 90% young women steeped in Wokeism and very proud of it. Its their religion.

  2. Yes, times have changed since 2012, and women have become immensely masculine verbally, in manners, and at times physically since then.
    I do not believe Trump fairs well against women in debates. Whatever the reasons, whether it be being raised, you do not treat a lady like that from childhood, and that carries over into adulthood to whatever excuse in this day and age. Trump does not go after a female adversary as he does men, and he is not afraid to confront a man in which he is more than ready to do verbal battles. Individuals such as Harris and her instructors know this and use this knowledge well.

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