Yasser Arafat

Harvard Promotes the Palestinians’ Slow-Motion ‘Final Solution’

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Media There is no idea so hateful or useless that some university somewhere won’t hold a conference on it. The latest example of this unfortunate truism is the recently announced “Israel/Palestine and the One-State Conference” scheduled for early March at the Harvard Kennedy School. Share This

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Newt Challenges the Myth of Palestinian Nationalism

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine Newt Gingrich touched off a mini-firestorm when he told a Jewish television channel that the Palestinians are an “invented” people “who are in fact Arabs,” and “who were historically part of the Arab community.” Share This

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Defund the UN

by Bruce S. Thornton Defining Ideas Florida Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has introduced in the House of Representatives the UN Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act. Share This

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Yet Another Reason to Leave the UN

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine No one familiar with the sordid history of the United Nations should be surprised at the moral idiocy recently on display in Turtle Bay, when the General Assembly cheered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ demand for statehood despite offering Israel nothing in return. Share This

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