United States Military

Victor and the Savior Generals

by Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas What factors decide wars? Luck? Fervent ideology? Preponderance of material resources? Or is advantage achieved by superior manpower and morale? In modern times, is victory found largely in lethal cutting-edge technology?  Share This

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The Tab Comes Due in 2011

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and both the elder and younger George Bush all found the third and fourth years of their presidencies harder than the first and second. The nation and the world tired of speechmaking. The novelty of a new commander in chief faded; poll numbers went

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Why America Must Defend South Korea

by Victor Davis Hanson Ricochet.com The Cold War is over.  Why on earth should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? George Washington warned us about this kind of entanglement. Why should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? (Ricochet member Kenneth) Share This

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