
Americans Differ on Ukraine and Gaza

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness When Russia invaded Ukraine, Americans overwhelmingly supported Ukraine—as they did with Israel after October 7. No wonder: Ukraine was surprise attacked by Russia, and Israel was by Hamas. It seemed an easy binary of good versus evil: both the attacked Ukraine and Israel are pro-Western. Both their attackers, anti-Western Russia …

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The Ukrainian Verdun

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Ukraine has ossified into something like the modern version of the horrific Battle of Verdun, fought 108 years ago on the 1916 Western Front of World War I. That meat grinder cost France and Germany some 700,000 dead and wounded. The nightmare ended ten months later, after the heroic French …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Depositions, Elections, and Military Questions

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc in the Friday news round up: Hunter’s deposition, Michigan elections, predicting the 2024 election, Smirnov’s arrest, Eric Adam’s reservation about sanctuary city status, Kirby says no troops on Ukrainian ground, and Prime Minister Netanyahu interviewed. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

War, Scores and the Last Tragedian

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc about the Ukraine War two years later, Trump settlement and the NY business community, S.A.T. scores return to university admissions, new non-science in CDC and Health Department decisions, and the last tragedian Euripides. Share This

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The Strange Disconnect Between Israel and Ukraine

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The Ukrainian and Israeli wars are similar and yet also different conflicts—but in more ways than we can imagine. Ukraine was invaded by a huge Russian state, with a population three-and-a-half times greater, a gross national product ten times larger, and an area thirty times its size. Hamas, by contrast, …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Israel and Cultural Nihilism

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler explain Biden’s new restraint of Israel, popular opinion fatigued by Woke and DEI, nihilism of the Left in policy and ideas, US military recruitment problems, and the Ukraine War. Share This

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We Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite. And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral …

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Our Post-Hamas Wreckage

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness As Hamas goes, so with it go many of the following related Western pretensions. The Passions of 9/11, Redux It has been 22 years since we saw crowds throughout the Middle East celebrating the murder of 3,000 civilians—and since newspapers had daily “idiot watch” notices of American intellectuals defending radical …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Left’s Manufactured Reality

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler analyze Chicago’s residents’ outcry against illegal immigrants, transgendered arguments, FBI’s leaders not so far from the rank-and-file, distortion of truth called “conspiracy theories,” and thoughts on funding the war in Ukraine and the new rules of proxy wars. Share This

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